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Comment Better cure has been known for quite some time (Score 1) 105

It is based on raw eggs, wocestershire sauce and red pepper.

For a moment you would feel as if somebody had touched off a bomb inside the old bean and was strolling down your throat with a lighted torch, and then everything would suddenly seem to get all right. The sun would shine in through the window; birds would twitter in the tree-tops; and, generally speaking, hope would dawn once more.

It is time tested and well recorded. Really, there is an actual historical record of this recipe working its magic in the morning after an incredible bacchanalian revelry in the Drones club to celebrate the engagement of Augustus Fink-Nottle to Madeline Bassett.

Comment Oh, that is what it was. OK, OK. (Score 1) 154

I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I feared something terrible has happened, but dismissed it as the burrito I had for lunch at the Taco Bell. It does really look like some planet *was* destroyed. mm.. Should learn to trust the Force more.

Comment Re:Industrial revolution was a disaster... (Score 1) 289

Two minutes on google, GDP China India before industrial revoltion gets you: India fell steadily all the way to 5% of the world by 1970. From > 25 in 1800. China fell fro 33% in 1820 all the way to 5% by 1970. Now please go ahead and nit pick India was above 5% at independence etc etc. Over the long arc of history, industrialization destroyed more jobs world wide than it created. Only if you limit yourself to industrialized countries you could argue it created as many as it destroyed.

Comment Re:Industrial revolution was a disaster... (Score 1) 289

Read Gandhi, Indian independence movement, and why to this day wearing handloom fabric is considered a sign of patriotism in large parts of India and all the corrupt politicians of India would not be caught dead in anything other than brilliant white handloom clothes. Gandhi talked so much about the power of the West coming from their ability to dump their goods into the colonies. Boycotting foreign made goods was an integral part of the movement.

The dumping of goods produced at mass scale by industrialized Europe into the colonies decimated the local jobs. By the millions the local artisans who made pots, pans, knives, smelted metal, rolled sheet-metal, all went jobless. There was no protection from their government, they had no idea who they were dealing with. All the wealth accumulated by India by exporting spices for two millennia were gone in less than 200 years.

By the time Gandhi came around, it was down to farming the plant that gave indigo dye and handloom cloth. Almost all the native mettalurgists and metal working jobs were gone. More than the loss of jobs, the loss of the pride was more profound.

Comment Industrial revolution was a disaster... (Score 3, Insightful) 289

The view that industrial revolution destroyed cheap labor intensive jobs while creating more value added higher paying jobs and more high paying jobs were created than destroyed is a very Euro-centric view. Industrial revolution in Europe was an unmitigated disaster for India, China and other places. Before industrial revolution, Europe, India and China each had about 20 to 25% of the world GDP. Arab traders and other countries made up for the rest.

India and China were devastated, they had no clue of what was hitting them, they were reduced abject poverty and penury, to less than 5% of the GDP. The high paying jobs were created in Europe, and the number of higher paying jobs created were far less than the number destroyed if you take a global view. Only if you limit yourself to Europe you would see comparable number of new jobs being created. The Luddites were right.

Now finally it is lapping up the shores of the so called developed countries too. Finally it is affecting the upper middle class. Upper middle class are the real henchmen for the super rich. Without the upper middle class professionals siding up with the super rich, they could not stack the system in their favor. The super rich got too greedy and now they are taking from the 99% to 99.5% too. As long as they took from the bottom 95% and left enough for the 95% to 99.5% they could continue to grow. But when the life time earnings of a surgeon or a dentist or a CPA or midlevel MBA does not put them in the top 1% by net worth, they are going to rebel. And they are the ones who would succeed in such revolution without destroying everything else in the process.

Comment My Casio Fx48 Calculator has a bigger range. (Score 3, Interesting) 157

Ages ago, seems like bronze age to me now, I was a freshman in college and got my first calculator. A tiny Casio-Fx48 creditcard sized one. It was only 9 decimal digits accurate, but its floating point number range went all the way up to a googol, 9.9999999e+99. That number is so huge, it is more than the number of subatomic particles in the known universe. Ming bogglingly huge number. In math such things are so common. For example the function factorial, reaches a googol at 79. Yup, Factorial (79) > number of subatomic particles in the known universe.

I read the book "Fun With Numbers" by Mir publications, Moscow in 10th grade. It talked about simple things like immensity of a number like pow(2,64) explained in a simple language a 10th grader could get. (pow(2,64) rice grains would need a barn 3 meter wide, 3 meters tall and several times the distance of Earth to Moon or something like that).

So Mandelbrot set could exceed the resolution of the known universe, by some version of the definition of these terms, in as little as 64 iterations.

Comment Re:Batteries exist (Score 1) 533

f I have the capital resources to invest in a home energy system to go off the grid and say the payback time is 15 years. I and many other people might decide to do just that.

Remember, your parents did exactly that. I957 was the peak of street car/public transportation. Every one who could afford a car, bought one, leaving the remaining riders to pay for the amortized cost of public transportation. Almost all of the street car companies went bankrupt in 20 years. Of course, there was this illegal secret cartel of Firestone, Ford and Standard Oil that speeded up the demise by secretly buying key transfer points of the network and shut them down. But they were also actively aided and abetted by local politicians promising a car on every drive way and a chicken in every pot, and the people also thought it was a good idea to ditch public transportation.

Comment Re:Ok.... Here's the thing, though ..... (Score 1) 533

What? NG gas turbine takes 3 to 6 hours to start? You should tell this to the airplane manufacturers. All the turbo-fan engines powering all the airplanes and helicopters are gas turbines [*]. If they are going to take 3 to 6 hours to start, they should never turn their engines off, or they would be stuck at the gate for three to six hours.

[*] I know they use kerosene but combustion of NG is even easier than liquid fuels.

Comment Chrome broke my VPN (Score 3, Funny) 70

When it rains it pours. I am battling a serious RAID controller failure at my work desktop. At least I could go home, use VPN to access some common team servers to do some work. Lo, and behold! St Murphy, the patron saint of all things barfing, decides to step in at this critical juncture. Chrome decides to cut Java. Our wonderful IT had bought VPN software that relies on java plug-in in the browser. OK firefox will come to my rescue, so I thought. But St Murphy had anticipated my move.

When everything fails, you sell your soul to Satan and decide to fire up, gasp, internet explorer. For some odd reason it manages to get past all the hurdles gets the network extender running. Satan is laughing at St Murphy. St Murphy never loses, his revenge will come soon, and it will be swift.

In the meantime, caught as a mere pawn in the eternal battle between Satan and St Murphy I am ruing my fate and belly aching in slashdot.

Comment Open Tech is closing? (Score 0) 110

No wonder Open Tech is closing in Microsoft. It is the brilliant minds of Microsoft that conceived of putting " shut down " in the "start" menu. It was so bad it became good, and now even Microsoft is not able to get rid of the start button. Same way they might find it impossible to close their open tech.

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