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Comment Re:The joke's on us. (Score 1) 163

They are buying the stock without knowing anything about what the news is. You think it is just limited to Tesla? Every damned trade they make is equally precipitous, unthinking gamble. Their reward structure is, if there is a profit they get a share of it. If there is a loss, someone else will bear it. The traders are not trading on their money.

Comment If it stops them from .... (Score 4, Insightful) 23

If these drills make the pointy haired bosses stop thinking IT security purely as a cost to be minimized it would do some good. If an IT dept works well and prevent disasters they never get credited for it. It they slip up and make a huge mistake, they get fired. If the best reward you can hope for is "not getting fired", it will attract a level of talent that considers "not getting fired" an achievement and goal. Unless the management mentality changes IT disasters will keep happening. At least if we fired the top management too along with IT disasters and sue the corporate board for mismanagement, then they might pay attention.

Comment The joke's on us. (Score 4, Insightful) 163

Don't laugh, cry. We slog all day and then dutifully maxout our 401Ks and "invest" in mutual funds and other such instruments.

While these thieves on the other end are high on opium (OPM= other people's money) rolling high, taking insane risks, and all the profits and bonuses are theirs. If they make a loss, they are too big to fail and our taxes will bail them out. If they blatantly lie, cheat and commit felonies, they are too big to jail too.

Realize this. The. joke. is. on. us. They are laughing all the way to the bank (which they own probably).

Comment So who was the iceberg. (Score 2) 172

OK. We got a titanic clash. We know Einstein is the Titanic of math and applied physics. That would make Schrodinger the iceberg. But we all know Heisenberg is German for iceberg. It is all so uncertain. Do scientists take dual forms like Schrodinger and Heisenberg and coalesce into one or the other only at the time of observation? Can one see Schrodinger while others see Heisenberg?

If I lock up Einstein, Schrodinger and Heisenberg in a room with a capsule of cyanide gas and a time release mechanism for the gas, would I be sent to jail? Or to the mental institution?

Comment Re:Woop Di Do Da! (Score 1) 265

The utilities have been entrenched monopolies with very heavy government corruption and collusion and what not for 100 years.

Finally they are getting real competition from the free market. The new paradigm is, "Home owner, you don't worry about site survey, investment cost, installation contractor etc etc. Here is the deal. We install our solar panels in your property using our workers. We install a meter. You pay for whatever electricity we deliver at this price. There is x year lock in period, after that we take our stuff away anytime you cancel the contract. You compare apples to apples, metered electricity cost to metered electricity cost".

Even after the subsidies are taken away, even after imposing road blocks by politicians and utility commissions, this would not be stopped. The technology already has very strong market where the grid is poor. India, Pakistan, many developing countries, etc. They will provide the demand and the technology will advance. Then private companies will raise investment to compete with utilities. As people start using less and less of the grid, it becomes more and more expensive for the utility to find cash for infrastructure upgrades. That will feed into the vicious cycle, and utility companies will face big problems keeping customers.

Comment Re:Woop Di Do Da! (Score 2) 265

I am with you on this ledow. Just yesterday I ran into a couple oohing and aaahing about a pathetically tiny human being. Hardly 10.5 pounds and 19 inches long, without any hair. And this couple is totally over the top, painting a new room, getting new furniture, wondering what to name this human etc etc for this tiny member of Homo sapiens hardly 5% of the size of the parents.

Comment Lunacy of the government (Score 1) 140

That much of helium alone could be worth more than $300,000. We still have the strategic helium reserve, pay companies to make, (not make, it can't be made) to collect helium, store it in some abandoned mines, and get that supply of helium may be for free for the defense department, fill it up in a balloon, abandon the project, sell it to private companies at some ridiculous throw away prices.

People have been looting our US government from the day it was founded. George Washington spent post presidential life trying to get a canal built using federal money through Cumberland gap into the Monongahela valley in south western Pennsylvania. He had bought all the land that is today Washington County, PA. That shining example set by our founding father is a well trodden path. Flat-as-pancake land is declared to be "mountain" to extract quadruple the federal subsidy for transcontinental railroads. There are literally thousands of companies and individuals whose only ability is extracting money from the government.

And usually these are the folks who are in the fore front decrying government waste citing some poor black inner city single mother who probably gets 400$ a month.

Comment Would we lose this too? (Score 1) 124

In the ancient times not many people knew it and it was not over used like today's antibiotics are being over used. So if you over use it, may be new resistant strains might emerge.

It is interesting one of the ingredients is cow bile. Definitely not something you would think of as an disinfectant. But, being from India, I know so many people who believe cow urine and cow dung has disinfecting properties. May be there is something to it. Cows digest tough vegetation. Their stomachs are full of bacteria that could break down vegetable matter. May be there are so many beneficial would-not-harm-a-mammal bacteria in there, some of them might fight of any bacteria that would infect its host, the cow.

Comment Just a moment of madness ... (Score 1) 737

All the sequence of events would have been set in motion, just due to one moment of madness by the co-pilot. Might have been depressed or what, might have engaged in fantasies about doing it. Pilot left, may be a restroom break, doors locked automatically, comes back and knocks to be let in. At that moment, if the copilot has decided to act out his fantasy for even a few seconds, he would not be able to reverse course easily. He has to explain the delay, there will be investigations, skeletons in his closet might come tumbling out, at that point co pilot would be in total panic mode with his whole life crashing around him. He would be totally irrational, 38000 feet, 4000 feet per min, it took the plane 10 minutes to crash. Passengers would be in panic, the locked out pilot too. Very very tragic.

Surprised USA has a policy of not allowing the cockpit to be occupied by a lone occupant. Given the staffing cuts and the callousness of the airline management surprised they did not mount a lobbying effort "against the onerous and burdensome regulations by Washington bureaucrats that is strangling the industry and killing jobs" to remove that requirement.

Comment One guy makes an electric car, ... then.... (Score 1) 226

One guy straps together 8000 laptop batteries to make an electric car, prove its viability and creates the most successful challenge mounted ever to the dominance of internal combustion engines in the luxury car market. Then ...

Every damned fool who was lucky enough or criminal enough to make oodles of money thing they are visionary thinkers too and come up with grandiose projects. Let us award Vladimir Yakunin, the Wannabe-Elon of the Year award.

BTW China just demonstrated the Steel-Silk Road, a rail link between China and Spain via old Orient Express route via Samarkand. Trans Siberian railroad links to Chinese network. Chunnel connects London to European network. There is a railroad in Alaska, but not sure it connects to Canadian national network. Building rail links and putting a roof over them to keep out the snow and and fence to keep out the animals, to provide overhead electric power, to make it an year around service would be a lot more practical. Steel-on-steel rolling friction is much lower than steel hull on water drag. Done correctly, it could peel off a huge chunk of ship borne Pacific freight, reduce the over reliance of West Coast ports. Essentially it would become a conveyor of 40 foot containers.

Comment Steve Wozniak was scared by Prius (Score 1) 294

Sorry for the click bait. But he did post in slashdot about Prius cruise control suffering from what appears to be some edge case coding error. He was not really scared. He systematically debugged the cruise control at 75mph, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, ok overflow error. Then first thing he seems to have done is to post about it in slashdot.

Comment Hope this makes agencies to take doxing seriously (Score 2) 336

Most soldiers are quite open and public about their service, proudly wear uniforms, sport bumper stickers and baseball hats with their units and affiliation. So this move by IS might get some news play but unlikely to do much damage to the military. There were never shortages of soft targets of US military personnel in the home land. This will not impact our soldiers much.

But doxing of other activists would really have a chilling effect in the political speech. Hope agencies take doxing seriously and if any of the perps are within jurisdiction, hope they catch them and punish them.

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