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Comment Re:females operate on emotion, not logic (Score 1) 446

The report of the lack of men's shelters in Canada is totally inaccurate. Just because you want to make a living running a shelter of any kind doesn't mean you're going to get government funding. There are plenty of shelters for men who are homeless for whatever reason.

Here you can walk into the local CLSC and get a referral to a shelter for abused men.

Unfortunately, to many SJWs seem to think that feminism isn't just about equality. They're just the latest iteration of that transphobic nutbar Germaine Greer. Bra-burning was never the way to achieve equality, just sensationalist attention-grabbing that took away from the real issues, same as SJWs today are more of a distraction than they're worth.

Comment Re:No thanks. (Score 1) 95

The thing is, the needle pricks are no big deal any more. They used to hurt a lot more than now, but the finger stickers are sharper, the amount of blood you need is next to nothing (and can be drawn from places other than the finger), and the injections are pretty much painless. And now they're experimenting with inhaled insulin.

Comment Re:Basic income / maybe make full time 32-30 hours (Score 1) 385

You claimed that humans make semi-rational choices. I pointed out that they do not - they make totally irrational choices. I did not "make your point" as you wrongfully claimed.

Your interpretation of rape is lacking ..., to say the least.

Humans over-breed - and we can't export them anywhere else any more, like they did 100s of years ago when much of the world was still unknown. So, where are you going to put 19 billion people?

Comment Yes you can mess up salary negotiations (Score 1) 583

I've never heard of this happening (to programmers).

I hire people all the time and I've had to say no to great candidates who wanted more money than we could pay. I've also turned away applicants who thought they were worth more than they were. Most companies have a budget and they aren't going to exceed it. They know what local market rates are (unless they are idiots) and are unlikely to pay you more than that. If you live where I do you probably aren't going to get a six figure salary as a programmer but the cost of living is a LOT lower than in Silicon Valley so the net result is often better.

I've messed up negotiations pretty bad, too (by telling them that I was going to give my current company a chance to ended with the hiring manager yelling at me for a while), but they'll still come back.

That is VERY unusual. Most employment negotiations do not go anything like that. I'm not a programmer but I do have two masters degrees, an accounting certification, and a lot of experience as an engineer and I've had times when it has been REALLY hard to find work better than flipping burgers. If you are luck enough that getting work hasn't been a problem, congratulations. Unfortunately that doesn't describe most of the working population.

Comment Luck does matter (Score 4, Insightful) 583

Luck has nothing to do with it. If you don't have savings, it's because you fucked up by spending too much of your income.

Spoken like someone who has never been in a big financial or social hole or had a severe medical condition. Sometimes hard work and talent and making good decisions isn't enough. If you grow up in a depressed area with a poor family there is a non-trivial chance that opportunities are going to be hard to come by. Sometimes people have severe medical conditions that put them in a financial hole or make it difficult to work. Get sick and you might find yourself in a deep financial hole through no fault of your own. Sometimes you find yourself in a bad situation because someone ripped you off.

It's easy to say luck has nothing to do with it but that simply isn't true. It is a LOT easier to get opportunities if you are in a good financial position to start with. It's a lot easier to make money when you already have money. That isn't to say you can't make it if you don't have a silver spoon but it is a lot harder and that is a matter of luck. Being healthy is largely a matter of luck. My mother suffers from ALS and cannot work and that is NOT her fault. Your romantic notion that all that matter is hard work and fiscal discipline is a nice story but a false one.

Comment Re:When all the choices on the ballot (Score 1) 500

Image a world where Al Gore won the 2000 election. Maybe he would have done the same things that Bush did:
  • Pull the plug on the hunt for Bin Ladin
  • Ignore warnings of an imminent terrorist attack
  • Invade Iraq until false pretenses
  • Give huge tax cuts that apparently pay for themselves with economic growth
  • Stack government science committees with fundies
  • Use a pseudo-scientific definition of life to pull funding on stem cell research

I am sure that Gore would have made many annoying mistakes, but you are fooling yourself if you think both parties are the same.

People in politics are motivated as much by their personal beliefs as anything else. Judge them by what they do.

Comment Grounds for termination (Score 1) 583

While you should comply with company policies, you can always archive the emails in a variety of formats.

Doing this may invite the wrath of the company legal department if discovered. This creates a VERY real source of potential legal problems for a company should they get sued. In most companies this would be grounds for immediate termination with cause if the actions taken conflicted with their email retention policies.

Comment Taking a risk (Score 4, Insightful) 583

The obvious response to which is, "Sure, but in exchange, I'll need copies of the pay stubs for those working for you in comparable positions."

To which the company will likely say "thank you for your time and we'll show you to the door".

To be clear, I agree with you but being right carries a non-trivial risk of not getting the job. That may or may not be a good thing.

Comment Negotiating when desperate (Score 4, Insightful) 583

Most people are terrible at salary negotiation. Based on various studies with some degree of variance, overall they suggest about 55% of men do not negotiate their wages, and about 70% of women do not negotiate their wages. That is NO NEGOTIATION AT ALL.

Bear in mind that a lot of people are pretty desperate to get a paycheck. You can pretty easily take yourself out of the running for a lot of jobs by trying to negotiate salary (or by doing so clumsily) particularly when there are multiple qualified candidates for the job. Not saying that more folks shouldn't negotiate their salary but many times they are not negotiating from a position of strength. It's one thing if you have a nice pad of savings and can afford to say no to an offer. Not everyone is so lucky. I've been in both circumstances myself at different times so I understand how hard it can be to negotiate when not getting the job at all is a worse outcome than getting paid a sub-optimal amount.

That said I agree completely with what you said. Negotiation is a very valuable life skill. The sooner you get good at it the better.

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