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Comment Not quite a nightmare but someone else's... (Score 1) 8

I am the AMOLED vampire.

I have cashed in on mucho damaged hardware, I have noticed that these gorgeous expensive Samsung 8.4" and larger AMOLED displays crack very easily, and people don't want them!

On most examples of these cracked displays, which I have bought very cheaply, you cannot see the cracks when the display is functioning in indoor or dark conditions, and AMOLED can be permanently prevented from burn-in by running at 10 to 20 percent brightness (again, gorgeous indoors).

I currently have a Windows 10 12" machine, 1 crack, 80 pound(!), and 4 10.5" Android AMOLED's cracked and uncracked all identical when turned on, and 4 8.4" Android AMOLED tabs, it's a portable supercomputer and a many camera streaming studio, and it was very very cheap! I even have another 8 inch one which is so smashed as to be ugly, but makes for perfect reading in the dark, or map usage!!

You haven't lived until you've read a great book in green text on inky black AMOLED in pitch darkness when that AMOLED book cost you 30 pounds!!

Comment Re:I love how I walk away from my Win10 machine, (Score 1) 232

That's all well and good, but you have to print everything you want to read, and selecting hyperlinks is a cludge of flipping a ssitch x times, then flipping another, where x is the number of characters from the beginning of the http response header to the first angled bracket in the link. And the reception and request of the reply rely on modern processing equipment connected to your Eniac, since this is the only way it could work. Now go do your homework ;-)

Comment Re:At least they're not sacrificing Apple 1s (Score 1) 25

Miniature CRT's and tiny flyback transformers are the only way to go! Now we just to convince Sony to fire up the Trinitron plant again and we're rolling (fat chance). Also, CRT's contained lead.

I loved my 1600x1200@85Hz Trinitrons, but they guzzled more power than the GPU(s), and now I have four OLED tablets and two OLED phones

To make this better, they could build a custom resolution (or just standard and use the center) OLED display, similar to PS Vita, and show the scanlines with perfectly dark pixels on the blank lines which appear on many old CRT based system.

Comment Re: A Darwin Award for him (Score 0) 286

Less people died of Covid than the Flu, also, the tests for Covid are triggered by inactive fragments of other coronaviruses! This is about a digital id system and Agenda 21, not the puny seasonal flu virus aka Covid 19! Pay Microsoft or be a leper in society, social credit system INCOMING!

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