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Comment Re:Price (Score 1) 220

Best. Comment. Yet.

In fact, so good, that I'm only posting this in return for a cid so that *I* can come back here, and do exactly the same thing!!!

I've been saying it since modems and HDDs first began to grace the consoles, ESPECIALLY the Microsoft ones... after all, critical mass, monetization of the online services, and collection of personal data make it an almost inevitable, and high-value, target right now. Not the mention the possibilities for using all that excess CPU and GPU as a distributed server farm.

Here's a fascinating chain of thought to leave you with - just how powerful would that server farm be? So powerful that it may even outweigh any of the other benefits of hacking consoles? Would a potential "owner" be more likely to leave personal data and short-term gains (cc info etc.) aside in order to "fly under the radar" whilst captaining the biggest ship (couldn't help it!) / server farm no-one ever knew about?

Well, if I'm not on the watchlist yet (ha!), I am now! ;-) (dons lead hat)

Comment Re:This is goddamned appalling (Score 1) 209

We're aware of it, which means we're on to it.

I reckon, with projects like Wayback already operating (and already saving, among other things, my election results, which have since moved around a lot on the City Council's rubbish website, old company sites I've created, various iterations of my personal site, and some of my +5 comments here) that there's a chance this comment (if modded up!) WILL be available in 100 years' time.

If so, hello everyone! You're reading 100 year old bits and bytes! The real question is, will they teach bits and bytes in 100 years' time, and will people be able to write their own parsers in 100 years' time?

Submission + - London Mayor to Spend £90,000 on Water Cannons (

An anonymous reader writes: London Mayor Boris Johnson is planning to spend at least £90,000 on truck-mounted water cannons in order to control rioters. While the mayor says he intends to consult citizens about this potential investment before moving ahead, the city has been in the process of training police on the use of water cannons since last summer. Johnson claims that the water cannons would only be used in "extreme" situations; however, those who oppose the idea fear that water cannons will be used to quell peaceful protests, not just riots.
Social Networks

Researchers Claim Facebook Is 'Dead and Buried' To Many Young Users 457

JoeyRox writes "The recent decline in Facebook's popularity with teenagers appears to be worsening. A Global Social Media Impact study of 16 to 18 year olds found that many considered the site 'uncool' and keep their profiles alive only to keep in touch with older relatives, for whom the site remains popular. Researches say teens have switched to using WhatsApp, Snapchat, and Twitter in place of Facebook."

Comment Re:First... (Score 1) 829

Thanks. My FP was shallow - but no worse than most, and I took my chance, it made me smile posting it! Saying that, I sometimes smile wryly at "Fr0sty P!ss" posts, too, so I can't claim much credit for wit, at all!

I rarely post aiming for moderation or credit, but if something makes people smile, why not share it?

Comment Re:Priorities much? (Score 1) 312

Finally someone asks this here, where it was always supposed to have been asked, eventually...

The answer has been waiting for you for a long time, although I'm surprised your UID is so high (I expected some wizard to finally make room for me to say this!)

By having computers having power over humans, and making them perfect!

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What this country needs is a good five dollar plasma weapon.
