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Comment Re:noooo (Score 1) 560

But the net is hugely negative. 1/3 of the world's people are close enough to a coast that they will have to do something when sea levels rise.

So why don't people move now before they're underwater?

Um, because a lot of them are not in 'merica?

Have a look at Bangladesh some time. Most of the country is near sea level and the people have nowhere to go except... India (which they broke away from rather violently.)

Comment Re:Obvious (Score 2) 213

(Slashdot's Keynesian group think shows through strong in the moderation here.)

Situations where the tax loss is smaller than the cost saving are rares. Most of the time, austerity just kills the economy without any benefit.

I challenge your assersion of that claim.

Additionally I submit that government spending causes the players in the economy to act in a way that benefits them the most in receiving that government spending while supressing their drive to be purely efficient and productive. In the end, we end up with a bunch of players chasing the freebies from the government just because they're free rather than being productive and sustainable.

But you probably won't believe this until this spending kills the host, as the GGP post called it.

I don't know about groupthink, unless you call empirical evidence "groupthink". Herbert Hoover's response to the great depression, Europe's current austerity programs, Japan's "lost decade", Kansas' economic explosion under Brownback: all of these are evidence - from multiple cultures, time periods and scales - that your theory doesn't work in real life.

Let me guess: Your response will be a variant of the "No True Scotsman" fallacy...

Comment Re:How long will it take slashdot to spin this? (Score 2) 106

I think there are serious questions about accountability, undue influence and private priorities that can be raised without touching how he made his money:

Research by Devi Sridhar at Oxford University warns that philanthropic interventions are ‘radically skewing public health programmes towards issues of the greatest concern to wealthy donors’. ‘Issues,’ she writes, ‘which are not necessarily top priority for people in the recipient country.’

Comment Re:left/right apocalypse (Score 1) 495

I guess I see your point, replying to a comment that we've never had economic disaster due to climate change. But aren't most of your examples irrelevant, given that they occurred prior to the industrial revolution, and therefore had nothing to do with man-made climate change? If anything, those examples point out that climate disasters are a regular occurrence, regardless of human activity. I'm not sure that's the point you were trying to make.

People get shot all the time, so I guess it doesn't matter if I take a M-16 down to my local mall and start shooting people?

Comment Re:Tax dollars at work. (Score 1) 102

Ummm -- that patent troll was a typo - is not natural - many here identify any non-practicing patent related entity as patent trolls.

Take your head out of your own arse and realize that your mistake is and was your's not mine. I can admit the twit of the week nomintation is now undeserved because of an honest error, can you admit that you did not correct your mistake until you were called out on it?

Sorry, you get twit of the week for not being able to figure the typo out from the original context...which was pretty bloody obvious.

Comment Re:That's nothing! (Score 1) 276

Not to mention they gave the same prize to Arafat, but not to Gandhi.

Well Kissinger got the nobel peace price. What a joke, the greatest mass murder in modern history right after Stalin.
Kissinger should be rotting in a prison alongside his prize.

"Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger got the Nobel Peace Prize."
    -- Tom Lehrer,

Comment Re:Yes, and No True Scotsman also (Score 1) 247

I've been on Slashdot for many years now and I'm just starting to finally get tired of the general level of complete idiocy of most posters here. Am I getting old or is the internet population at large just getting dumber? Not sure.

Speaking as a fellow old fart, I think we are getting smarter - or at least more knowledgeable. Having to pass on this knowledge to ignorant young punks with more energy than us is what makes us grumpy old men.

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