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Submission + - Amazon Requires Non-Compete Agreements...For Warehouse Workers

Rick Zeman writes: Amazon, perhaps historically only second to NewEgg in the IT nerdling's online shopping heart, not only has treated their warehouse workers to appalling working condtions, but they're also making them sign a non-compete agreement for the privilege. Excerpt from the agreement:
During employment and for 18 months after the Separation Date, Employee will not, directly or indirectly, whether on Employee’s own behalf or on behalf of any other entity (for example, as an employee, agent, partner, or consultant), engage in or support the development, manufacture, marketing, or sale of any product or service that competes or is intended to compete with any product or service sold, offered, or otherwise provided by Amazon (or intended to be sold, offered, or otherwise provided by Amazon in the future)....

Comment Contract contingency? (Score 1) 536

Tell your real estate agent to include a contingency stating that any deal is contingent on acceptable Internet service.

I'll leave the details of what "acceptable" up to you, but it should be something that's widely available in the neighborhood in which you are looking to buy. The intent is to let the seller know to not waste their time or yours if the KNOW their house doesn't qualify and to put them on notice that any offer is void if it turns out that you can't get Internet service similar to the those living in the same general area at a similar price.

You do have a small risk of "losing out" on a suitable home if the seller is summarily rejecting bids with "novel/unfamiliar/non-standard" contingencies, but you are much more likely to avoid wasting time and money on homes you wouldn't want anyway.

Comment Re:He's just in a hurry to get to the future (Score 1) 78

I don't vote party, except that I avoid both D and R whenever there's a candidate who doesn't want to put half the people I know in prison for smoking pot.

If anyone but Bruce Rauner had run against Quinn I would have voted for the Republican, becuase Quinn just wasn't a good governor. I think Rauner will be even worse, maybe even as bad as Ryan(R) or Blago(D), both were crooks. I don't know if Rauner is a crook but his policies are terrible. There were only two named on the ballot, so it was indeed a choice between two evils.

Look, Republicans are against the Social Security I paid into all my life and am now enjoying, against unions, without which I would have no pension, against the single payer health care system which has countries with it in place enjoying half the costs we face with far less infant mortality and longer life spans (Obamacare is really Romneycare in disguise); against the Medicare I again paid into and will get in a couple of years; against food stamps (that's simply un-Christian, yet they claim to be Christians?); against taxes (again, an un-Christian stance). Tell me, what Democrat views that the Republicans don't share are detrimental to me, a middle class retired guy?

But both parties are against pot legalization, for our insanely long copyrights, and quite a few more where there really isn't a valid choice.

Comment Re:Is today Tuesday? (Score 1) 8

Well, when a child says bye-bye, it sounds like a contraction (b'bye), but bye-bye is not a contraction. It's more like Cory Doctorow spells sidewalk: side-walk. Wnat contraction uses a hyphen instead of an apostrophe? Not bye-bye, it isn't a contraction of anything.

As to "SyFy", that's a trademark, not a word. It only applies to that bad cable channel. Hi-fi and sci-fi aren't contractions of high fidelity and science fiction, but new words made out of old ones.

I guess that could argue the validity of e-mail and e-books, though.

Comment Caching explains much of the difference (Score 1) 486

The results were poisoned by the presence of various caches affecting disk I/O and for that matter memory I/O. On some modern systems, either the disk lies to the computer or the OS lies to the application and the application thinks the data is actually stored on the bare metal before it is really stored (the data may or may not be stored in a "safe" place like a non-volatile cache - the point is that a small write operation returns "success" very quickly, much faster than if it had to wait for the bits to be written to the platter).

The only thing they can really say is "on this hardware, using this operating system, under this workload, these are the results of our experiments."

I'm not saying their results aren't useful - they are. Instead of presenting this as "memory writes are faster than disk writes" they should say "in some or many modern systems, under some circumstances, it may be more efficient for programs or operating systems to write to external storage devices in small bits rather than going to extra work to minimize the number of writes to such devices. Don't assume that what was true about the performance of an application calling an operating system to perform a disk-write operation or of an operating system asking a hard drive to perform a disk-write operation is the same now as it was a decade or two ago."

Just don't call them "disk writes." Call them what they are - "requests by the application or the OS to the OS or hardware to perform a disk write."

Comment "Air gap" shouldn't be taken literally (Score 1) 123

In security terms, "air gap" should be taken to mean "direct communications gap".

If two machines an "talk" to each other without involving a human or a third-party computer* to do your dirty work for you.

*If the third-party computer is being used "in real time" it doesn't count as a "direct communications gap." However, if the computer hijacks the local router in the stand-alone network so that the next time it is hooked to an external network, it does bad things on behalf of the evil computer, that would be an example of "jumping the direct communications gap".

Comment Don't assume your phone is secure (Score 1) 45

Don't assume your typical non-military-grade-hardened phone is secure unless it's so-dumb-that-its-unhackable* or the phone resides on an isolated network over which you and only people you trust can see.

Even if nobody knows how to compromise it today, you shouldn't assume someone won't figure out how to compromise it "tomorrow".

* think "analog phone on a cross-bar switch" - but even that is subject to hacking, but few people have the skills to do more than a simple wiretap.

User Journal

Journal Journal: We've been spelling it wrong for over a quarter century 8

I'm surprised that this hasn't been addressed by the academic communities. Someone with a degree in English or linguistics or something like that should have though of this decades ago.

This word (actually more than one word) has various spellings, and I've probably used all of them at one time or another. The word is email, or eMail, or e-mail, or some other variation. They're all wrong.

Comment Re:Getting Older (Score 1) 4

Yes, if I were in college I'd certainly only lug one book around -- my notebook computer. I'd keep all the schoolbooks on the computer.

As to elderly eyesight, when I was a kid, all the geezers wore glasses, but few young people. Now all the youngsters have glasses and few geezers do. Why? The young are ruining their eyesight with computers, tablets, and phones much like I ruined mine with books.

But when I was a kid, cataract surgery was still rare. The patent on the CrystaLens should expire around 2023, so most oldsters won't need any glasses, since it not only cures cataracts but nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It won't be long before I have to get the other eye done.

Comment Rauner (Score 1) 78

We now have a "right to work" billionaire as governor of Illinois. He's calling for "right to work" zones, fortunately the legislature isn't going to let him.

If I weren't retired and lived in a "right to work" state, I would demand that the state's government supply me with employment. After all, if it's my RIGHT to work...

"Right to work" is a flat out bald faced lie, and any working person who supports it is a moron.

Comment This can kill a career (Score 1) 765

Many years ago we had a system admin who used sexual innuendo in root passwords on our non-production research equipment. Thankfully, only a handful of people ever used these machines and they were all in our department.

Within months of my arrival, he was laid off. His skills weren't great but they were good enough to keep him above the "layoff bubble." I have a strong hunch that his sexist style made it easy for his boss to decide to get rid of him.

The new passwords didn't have any sexual innuendo.

At the time, we were a small branch of a research arm of a large corporation. Personally, I found his willingness to use such innuendo on the job distasteful and I found having to type them in on a routine basis uncomfortable but not so much that it was enough to complain about. Now that I am many years wiser and aware of the larger effects that tolerating such behavior has on the workplace, recruitment, and retention, I would probably either ask him to change the passwords or raise the issue with his/our boss.

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