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Comment Re:No nuance allowed. You're for us or against us. (Score 5, Insightful) 557

You can't be neutral on GG, honestly.

I can only speak for myself, but I think a lot of others may fall into the same category. Most everything I know about GG is spillover in slashdot discussions. I know there's accusations of journalistic impropriety, and accusations of misogyny, and a lot of harassment, and a huge heaping pile of arguments. But it's such a mess that I still don't even know what someone means when they say they're "anti-GG" for instance, because I don't know which side of which issue that actually means. And frankly, just based on the generally incoherent and overheated arguments that have spilled over here, I'd rather not investigate further.

I know I'm against harassment (of all kinds, against all types). I know I'm against unethical journalism. I'm also disinclined to insert myself into situations of histrionic drama where I'm unlikely to be able to make a difference. So I don't really know what sides of what parts of what sub-issues that puts me in relation to GG, and I don't care to find out. So I'm agnostic, or neutral, or maybe willfully ignorant of enough details to be able to say more. It doesn't seem such an unreasonable stance to take.

Comment Re:Correction: (Score 1) 217

Who really wins these lotteries? The advertising firms designing every new scratch off ticket. Every week there's another new "game" that has a million advertising spots on radio, TV, billboards, etc. If it were about income for the state (tax on the math challenged), then they'd just need a few scratch offs that never change style and a big lottery for the dreamers. There would be little to no need to advertise (or to have a hushed, sped-up voice admonish listeners to "play responsibly"). This is about funneling money to the advertisers, and using the advertisers to grab (or create) as many gambling addicts as they can get. That's a sick thing for government to do.

Comment Re:nothing new under the sun (Score 1) 446

Single 39.6% tax threshold: $41320
Married 39.6% tax threshold: $46850

In order for this to be a tax ADVANTAGE for two earners, the 39.6% threshold would have to be at least $82640. This is actually a penalty, since if both spouses make $40k, before they married their taxes each would have been below 39.6%, now that they're married, nearly all of the second spouse's income is taxed at the higher rate.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 1) 321

Interesting. I think it was Belle with the map. Her kingdom does have some French influence, though of course they do all speak and write English in the American movies and books. It seems weird they'd insert a little authenticity into the map and nothing else. I also *think* it was a zero and not even an O, but that's kind of hard to tell sometimes.

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