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Comment Re:Wait for it... (Score 2, Insightful) 752

Funny that you say "deliberate strategy" and "war crimes" did you miss the story today about the Hamas spokesman saying that civilians should be doing their utmost to be human shields? Hello, that's a war crime. Shooting rockets at civilians, war crime. Targeting schools, and playgrounds in Sderot...well that's a war crime too. Building rockets inside civilian structures, war crime. Launching them from civilian buildings, war crime. Launching them from hospitals, and religious buildings, war crime.

If Israel was really about "collective punishment" they would have shut off power to gaza along with the water. They would also refuse to allow any of them to transit into Israel to work. They would also reduce food stuffs to the materials for basic nutrition. But they're not doing that either. Let us not forget that technically since they're an "elected government" and they're firing rockets. That is a full on declaration of war, Israel could with due-prejudice level every building that they even suspect that's involved. And fully occupy the area, but funny they're not doing that either.

The UN is as close to the most anti-jewish organization with a "humane" face to exist, and that's because of the OIC. But hey, while you're going on about that gag order. The people who killed the Palestinian(actually arab that lived in Israel) have already been arrested, and it's before the courts as we speak. Where's the palestinian government looking for the ones who killed the Jewish kids. And while we're at it, why was it at the first opportunity they started launching even more rockets. Nearly 1k in under 9 days.

Comment Re:This is excellent timing given the upcoming T.P (Score 1) 55

If you consider the very wealthy and corporations to be society then what you write is true for most governments. But if you consider the majority of the electorate being society, then not so. For an example of what I mean look at the recent study from Princeton University and Northwestern University that reached the conclusion that the USA is an oligarchy.

Sorry, did I miss something when Canada became the US; or are you just happier posting something that doesn't apply to every country.

Then again, a study out of two heavily left wing universities saying the US is an oligarchy has about as much weight as the taliban saying Europe is a christian fundamentalist state, and Japan is ruled by hindu's.

Comment Re:This is excellent timing given the upcoming T.P (Score 2) 55

Until there are laws that charge politicians with treason every time they knowingly do this, they will continue to follow the following formula,

There *is* a law on treason, this isn't treason going by your narrow view of it. Rather, this is what you want people to be charged with when they pass laws that disagree with you. In turn, governments have it in their interest to pass laws that in general benefit society. Quebecs protest laws are an example of this, especially after the spate of individuals masking their identities and engaging in vandalism, and attempting to riot for the sake of rioting. The courts on the other hand have the right to counter this, when there is a grievance by citizens against the government which is what's happening in this case.

Remember S1 of the charter in Canada? And remember that Quebec didn't sign the charter. Right, now remember that in Quebec they don't use common law. Put those three things together and what do we have?

Comment Re:More Like Subsidized (Score 2) 533

Pot, kettle.

Considering I can easily point out the general craziness of liberals on a scale that dwarfs what would be considered "libertarians" pretty sure it's not pot, kettle, black. Or are you saying that the issues and policies that liberals are promoting today, are "good" for the US as a whole. Especially the current illegal immigration issue, or how about environmental policies that protect non-endangered animals.

Comment Re:More Like Subsidized (Score 1) 533

Hey now, don't forget the on-going border stuff. Where the democrats are now saying "our borders are open" and the democrat LA mayor is working to provide shelter, while the homeless on the streets get nothing. To the AC: Democrats are beyond fucked up at this point, even RINO's seem sane in comparison.

And before someone screams 'lul republican shill' or something else insanely stupid, I'm a Canadian and can figure this shit out.

Comment Re:Freedom of Expression... (Score 1) 424

And you came to that exactly?

I'd say it has to do with the breakneck speed at which they've re-criminalized blasphemy, and stopped people from stating their point of view especially when it's "contrary to political correctness." Europe is pretty good at that, I can think of a dozen cases off the top of my head from Germany to France to the UK.

Comment Re:Congratulations? (Score 1) 590

I'm really not invested in this as I'm not really a dedicated comic book reader but to me it doesn't look like a big deal. Somewhat bewildering but not a big deal.

In-universe the case is clear: It's not the same character, just like whoever came after Bruce Wayne wasn't the same Batman. They slapped the name onto someone else and that's it. Of course it's kinda weird how they retained the name as I thought that "Thor" was the original Thor's given name but then again my knowledge of Marvel's Thor comes from that one movie and a Hostess Cupcakes ad. Might've been a title all along.

On the meta level it's a transparent attempt to rejuventate a series Marvel apparently felt was no longer generating enough interest. It's not really different from breaking Batman's spine or disbanding/reforming the X-Men. In essence it's a soft reboot without having to toss away the continuity, which is something best reserved for a crossover. Blatant pandering in this case, yes, but nothing particularly unusual.

As for screwing with Norse mythology: Didn't they do that all along? I mean, old Thor was already a space alien if I remember correctly.

Seriously, to me this seems like business as usual. Thor was replaced by a woman. In other news, Wolverine has teamed up with someone.

Comment Re:The study focuses soley on Japan (Score 1) 552

I haven't seen a mercury-filled blood pressure cuff in several decades, and when they take my temperature they stick a little electronic thing in my ear.

That's nice, they're in use all over Canada and Europe. After all, who wouldn't want a highly accurate manometer to check blood pressure. Or as every doctor I've run across put's it "more accurate than the cheap chunk of plastic that stops working all the time, while being highly inaccurate." Oh and in most cases, they use one on the end of your finger. But they still use mercury thermometers for a reason.

Comment Re:Need a EULA for video (Score 1) 67

Depends on where you live, outside of the US ELUA's may/do directly conflict with the law to protect consumers. In turn, in several countries because it's not "understandable by a layman" it may be fully revoked. It's a full on country/province/state by place basis, and there's far too much case, statute law to even start giving examples without getting into the legal muck.

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