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Comment Re:Can a company patent it? (Score 1) 207

That explains why I see so many so called cures on television , that cause side effects that will in turn send you running to the doctor for more pills. Its a subscription scam, not a prescription cure. Buy your way onto the market by bribing the FDA, thats how we handle medicine here. NOW Omamacare makes complete sense.
Whata buncha dipshits.

Comment Re:Doesn't this already happen? (Score 1) 248

I dunno what the problem is, most Canadians Ive met are entirely forgettable.
So far I can only recall Rush, The Trailer Park Boys and the R.C.M.P. without actually having met them.
When this round is through , we need to pass a law that requires ALL Canadians to wear name tags on their shirts for our convenience.
France is alright as is; I never even give them a thought or plan to.
Back in my days of journalism, I recall having to handle the letters section of the magazine and at one point, throwing up my hands and just writing: What are Canada and why do we keep getting letter from it??

Comment Re:Oh...they have access to better imagery... (Score 1) 82

Yeah, well, sharing is just one campaign contribution away, as is anything corporations want to do....
Jeez, optimists.... no follow through.

One merely has to ask oneself, how close do I really want to see? There is entirely every chance the image could show me pumping the wife in the back yard.
Youre never too old to screw like a teenager, youre never too young to accidentally see what older folks look like naked, lol!

Comment Re:You make it... (Score 1) 519

Recall that you were looking for a job when you found that one.
If you believe the garbage they tell you and their car-sales-like rational (the fear), then you will live it.
On the other hand,having a chat with your lawyer will show that work-at-will laws still dont leave you dangling unprotected from horseshit.
Then you can continue to work as you shop for a new job and let your employer feel the weight. Consider that IT may not be the field you want, anyway.
The average career change happens every 6 years or so now anyway. Stick it in their ass, not the dirt. If you have any value at all, realize it and tell your boss his wife gives great head, he should try it out sometime....

Comment Re:You make it... (Score 1) 519

I hear ya, fire at will laws have made workplaces competitive. You actually have to do your job well in order to keep it. It boosts moral to go to work and see that everyone else has to do their jobs, do them right, take responsibility for their actions, show up every day on time, etc. Although union workers still have to put up with lazy-asses riding the union for security, I think unions days are numbered like tenure. What a break for all our bank accounts! Inflation will drop like a rock once you remove the HUGE amount of overhead it causes to goods and service industries. The long history of public abuse shows that some protection is needed for them.

Comment Re:You make it... (Score 1) 519

Hey, its great news for higher education as well! Now you dont have to feel quite like that loan you took out is being frittered away by carnies. Maybe a little.

The same could be said of unions; the reasons that necessitated them are gone. We could get rid of unions and take a LARGE chunk of inflation out of consumer goods and services. Hell, you might even be able to use the money to pay off previously mentioned loans, buy groceries and afford gasoline.

Comment Re:The Golden Age Spectre Archives (Score 1) 165

If they want Golden Age heroes, they should read golden age comics. First, mortgage the house for everything over principle. Then, run down to the comics shop and drop the wad on all the double bagged stuff behind the counter they don't usually drag out for anyone. Don't for the love of God, read any of them. Just leave them in their bags,hang them on the wall in frames and just soak up the golden ageness of it all. There, worth it, wasn't it?
Golden age comics have their place, not in your grubby mitts. They're old, they fall apart, they tear, the staples chew through, the addresses of the ads are outdated.
Just hold your investment and realize, the reason no one reads these and most of these heroes aren't around anymore is; they're boring. They were drawn in an age of different moral standards and attitudes toward violence and sex.( yeah that comics code worked about as good as music industry warnings on albums, lol) Flash was arguably slower, Superman dorkier, Batman had less cool stuff, Capt.Marvel was ambiguously gay, etc.
Give up on this idea, roll a blunt and read a stack of underground comics.

Comment Re:Physics on a stick (Score 2) 64

The estate of John Holmes has been tossing around the idea of cloned penii to be used for transplant and are furiously sampling DNA from amongst the family.
If you have a right foot and a left foot, it only makes sense to have a foot hanging between them. Be the life of the party! Impress girls! Quit stuffing potatoes down your shorts and get the real thing!

Comment Re:Van Gogh (Score 2) 64

It is perfectly alright to have toads in your hat , so long as they are not soaked in Cadmium and mineral spirits.
Cadmium, is bad shit, slowly absorbed by fondling your paint rag then running your fingers through your hair, picking your nose, eating without washing and even scrubbing the pigment off your hands with mineral spirits which carry it into the bloodstream. Starry Night was a hallucinatory painting indicative of the damage being suffered.
Not to worry though, painters, real Cadmium hasnt been used in decades for ANY paint, they merely call it cadmium red or yellow. Still plenty of unwholesome shit in paint, just not Cadmium .... or lead.

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