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Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

I don't have any believes regarding this, nor did I say male 'mutilation' - if you want to call it like that - is fine.
Regarding your second paragraph, I don't get at what you are aiming?
You believe cutting off the female sexual organs is fine?

For my part pretty simple, parents should not have the right to decide to cut of anything from their children, that includes the hair if you want ... and that is not a believe, but a standpoint.

Comment Re:already done (Score 1) 133

If something is a magnitude higher (factor 10x - 30x, as you pointed out), it is not 'comparable' in its effect to the 'original' thing.

It is quite a difference whether I drink *one* beer or 10 - 30.

The exclusion zone is not what we are talking about ... or where. The article and our discussion is about the plant side.

From a radiotoxicity standpoint, they are in fact not really distinct. You may recall that Sievert is a unit of committed dose,
You try to compare stuff that can't be compared. A cosmic ray, a high energy ion, is crossing my body. Along its path it destroys a DNA strand here and there and kills some cells completely.
Incorporating a radioactive element into your body is a bit different. Yes the 'Sievert modeling guys' try to 'compensate' the different effects to get a 'uniform' threat indicator.
Makes no sense IMHO, as all those slightly different forms of radiation have completely different effects.
Plutonium e.g. settles in the bone marrow ... the deadly dose for a human is something like 50 nano grams, perhaps 100, don't remember.
Iodine accumulates mainly in the thyroid, causing cancer there. It seems you can prevent that with high doses of Iodine intake, and Thyroid cancer seems relatively easy to treat and surviving rates are high.
Cesium accumulates in bones and sinew ... I assume in muscles as well.

So, your 10x - 30x increase of radiation versus 'normal' background level still simply measures what you can count with a geiger counter. It does not take into account what happens if you inhale some dust on a dry summer day ... perhaps working in a field with your shirt of covert with sweat when the dust accumulates on your skin.

It does not take into account what you get if you eat something that 'accumulates' the radioactive material, like a chicken or its eggs, or a fish, that have 100x higher level of radioactive Cesium than the measurement you make.

So suddenly we jump from your '10x - 30x' to the more realistic '10000x - 30000x' because a human living there eats an egg or an apple or a fish that was harvested/caught there.

Do you really think the exclusive zones exist because some idiots who have no clue overreact? In THE country that has the MOST experience with radiation victims?

You do know that according to normal regulations the whole coast north east of Fukushima beyond Tokyo, roughly 10 - 20 million people ought to be evacuated?

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

I doubt those numbers ... just nitpicking, Egypt still belongs to Africa, last time I checked the map.

My point is: it is not a religious thing, in fact Mohamed explicitly spoke against it.

I don't doubt that it happens outside of Africa, too. But it sounds hard to believe that it happens in countries like Turkey, Iran or Iraq, which happens to be the three dividing Kurdistan up amoung themselves.

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

what was your point? Beginning with the fact that Christians don't 'mutilate' their males genitals for religious reasons but for medical ones, and as far as I know that is only done in the USA. Continuing that 'mutilation' is the wrong term, the correct one is 'circumcision' ... in other words: the organ is fully functional ... unlike the mutilation done to females in Africa.
Sorry, I really don't get what your point is ... because male circumcision is common or even the rule in jewish and islamic circles, you believe they also cut their women?

Comment Re:Strawman argument (Score 1, Insightful) 739

What exactly does 'abusive' mean when a european kernel crafter is accusing a 'free speech' american compiler crafter that his compiler is utter shit?
Either the compiler is 'utter shit' and the accusation is a fact and proclaiming so is free speech or it is not, then it might be considered 'abusive'.

Comment Re:if you looked it up, you'd know (Score 1) 133

I know how carbon dating works.
And rest asured the carnon dating of animals living around Fukushima womt be affected by the desaster.
In 10,000 years their remains look exactly the same regardless if the disaster had happend or not.

Hence: the one who knows nothing about carbon dating obviously is YOU.

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

I'm not an expert on female genital mutilation, but certainly the problem is not 'wide spread through the middle easts', that is simply nonsense.

Some anti 'east' propaganda of the US? Sounds like it, could not win the wars and now they spread this bullshit?

Since thousands of years this is a practice of african tribes, and now suddenly in the current 'conflict situation' people claim it happens in islamic / persian / kurdish as well? How should that even be possible? Kurdistan is thousands of miles away from the regions in africa where this is common.

The masters, the slave owners, the conquerers adopt a 'black' custom? When should that have happened. Thousand years ago when the middle east still raided africa, or just recently when it fit into anti islamic propaganda? How should that have happened? They hate their custums and look down on it but incorporate FGM? Sorry that asumption is retarded and only shows that the west has no idea about the Islam and no intention to cooperate with their culture.

Comment Re:maybe (Score 1) 512

a) this is a wikipedia article, which makes it not really reliable
b) regarding Iran and Iraq they especially mention the Kurdish parts.
That is nonsense, why should kurds mitilate their females? Neither are the Kurds particular african nor particular anti female nor paticular islamic. Sounds like anti kurdisch propaganda to me ... I know plenty of Kurds in real live, many live in germany. I doubt there are such cases at all.

Comment Re:already done (Score 0) 133

With 'natural' radiation people obviously mean background radiation.
Not C14 or other minimal intake.

Comparing the 'natural' intake of C14 and other elements 'in a normal' amount with the levels in Fukushima makes you a moron.

Sigh, and then you bring up flight exposure to cosmic rays and compare it with Fukushima chemical elements ...

Cosmic Ray != radioactive iod or caesium ... go back to school or shut up, moron.

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