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Comment Re:Let it flow (Score 0) 242

Well, then you are mistaken :) As there is always something dissolved in water the molecules always form chains fitting to that influence. While such a chain might be short lived, similar structures are recreated all the time. That is btw. easy to see in microscope, the water clusters are so big you can sometimes see them with a strong visual light microscope and don't even need an electron microscope for it.
In case you don't know it: the way water or body fluids influence the cell membrane, making it passable for medicals or any molecule is a long time research topic.

Comment Re:More details (Score 1) 73

I have a good idea what nordic is :) after all we germans consider us close related.
Regarding languages I read a year ago a quite funny book from Mikael Niemi, as /. can not unicode I don't paste the original name, roughly translated it is called "Popmusic from Vitulla".
Vitulla is a swedish town close to the finish border. In that novel the author traveled around in north Sweden and north Finland and mentioned that on both sides both languages where spoken ... but ofc it is more a novel than a book of facts.
It is a very funny, but slighly difficult constructed book ... worth a read!

Comment Re:Ewww... (Score -1, Troll) 242

So, according to you you, water does not form long chains of connected molecules and the actual form of those chains is not dependend on the ions in the water?
Please elaborate and farm in your Nobel Prize.
Sorry, you are an idiot, no idea about your homeopathy research, so. Perhaps you should publish about that more, too? So we can read about your ideas?
"Water memory", a form of Homeopathy ... what nonsense is that? what has the one to do with the other? (*facepalm*)

Comment Re:Ewww... (Score -1, Troll) 242

Then perhaps you should read a book about chemistry or physics, or simply google, or jump over your shadow and try to understand what I wrote.
One molecule + another molecule form a two molecule long chain, due to their dipolar nature ... more make longer chains. If you don't know this I suggest you don't try to study at an european university ... normal educational stuff might be bejond your comprehension

Comment Re:More details (Score 1) 73

Depends on the definition as there is no 'official' one.
Geographically: Norway, Sweden and north Finland (perhaps the geographical one can be considered the 'official' one?)
Cultural and language: Norway, Sweden and Denmark (as laymen seem not to know that a) north Finland speaks partly swedish and b) Denmark is geographically not connected)
On the other hand the true laymen just put all into one basket and add Denmark as well as Finland to Skandinavia. No idea why, but I would bet the majority of germans would put all 4 into that 'cathegory'.

Comment Re:No (Score 2) 180

Of course it does. (... A Strong Typed language does ...)

The point about "strong types" is that you can make hard assumptions about the data behind the variable when you access it.

Type coercions are in fact a bit wild in JavaScript, but nevertheless it is strong typed. Or is there a way to crash the VM by abusing types? Certainly not ...

Perhaps instead of insisting that JavaScript "is not strong typed" you should read up what the opposite is: weak typed. And then compare that with javaScripts type system ... just an idea.

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