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Comment Re:Ever read the Unibomber Manifesto? (Score 1) 247

The unibomber saw some obvious facts.

But he strung them together into a schizo construct that made no sense at all. Everybody is powerless in a technological society, but they have tons of power while freezing in an unheated cabin and praying for the weather to break?

Find where the unibomber started to feel powerless and you find the root of his psychosis.

He was also an example of schizo IQ degradation. Every schizophrenic episode costs them about 1 IQ point. After a few years they are just dull, but they remember 'being smart'.

Comment Re:Why call them activists? (Score 1) 247

AC brought intent into the discussion. Apparently someone thinks 'activist' is a positive descriptive word. It's completely neutral.

The unibomber was 'an activist'. An activist with a complex mental construct he was killing to defend. (This a little muddled by all the people who read the 'logicyness' of his manifesto but were too stupid to see it made no sense at all. Some even call it 'genius' because it agreed with some of their preconceptions.)

Charles Manson is a pro helter skelter activist.

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