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Comment Re:Very nice article (Score 1) 162

You completely missed the point of that movie.

It is a fairly accurate representation of pure commissioned sales jobs. They do only get paid when then close. They do sell garbage to suckers. The higher the commission the worse of a deal they are selling. e.g. timeshares, funeral plots, whole life insurance, over the counter stocks.

The point of that movie is that _everybody_ doing that job was a scumbag. Jack Lemon was just as much a douche as Alec Baldwin, just an unsuccessful douche. They were all thieves. And they treated each other equally badly. Yet Jack Lemon somehow expected to be treated better then he was trying to treat the suckers. That movie is about Jack Lemon's character getting justice and how he's completely blind to it.

You should watch that movie before dealing with any commissioned sales people. Buying a car, talking to marketing at work etc. It will prepare you to deal with them. Whenever dealing with a marketer, just imagine you are dealing with Alec Baldwins character.

Comment Re:What if you don't like beer? (Score 1) 179

Germans never had a law outlawing wheat beer. They were just not allowed to call it beer. Which is fair, wheat 'beer' tastes so bad it is actually improved by adding fruit and/or leaving the yeast in it.

Claims that the purity law was passed to prevent the use of all the wheat, making beer, is just neo-prohibitionist nonsense.

Comment Re:Sort of (Score 1) 227

You don't want to know how much that upgrade will cost.

If rapid charging ever becomes viable, they will have a second battery pack in the garage to supply the rapid charge power. Otherwise you'll need high voltage/current service to every garage.

There is not much need for home rapid charging. This is more about highway travel. If you've got 8 hours to charge, it will almost certainly be easier on the batteries to charge slow.

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