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Comment Re:Bookstores - are you trying to change hard enou (Score 1) 83

Um, you pretty much described EXACTLY what Barnes and Noble tried to do, and it didn't really work out all that well for them(the execution may have left something to be desired but).

Other big-box book retailers haven't succeeded at that, either.

But TFA seems to be talking more about independent bookstores than the "brick-and-mortar" chain bookstores that gave the independent bookstores trouble a while ago.

Comment Re:WHAT? (Score 2) 737

Yeah, if things are so dire that computers magically disappear for decades, the concomitant disappearance of advanced agriculture, etc., will mean the lingering miserable death of probably 90% of the developed world.

In these terms, the question becomes "Does your skill set allow you to be in the 10% that lives?"

In neither of these cases will your soldering hobby become the salvation of your village

Your gardening hobby might mean that you have the skill set to grow enough food that you don't starve. Your neighbor's military background might mean that your crops don't get stolen before you can harvest them. The geek down the street might have the knowledge to convert your solar walkway lights into battery chargers for the 2-way radios the prepper two blocks away has in his garage.

All of this, of course, supposes that the scenario that brings about TEOTWAWKI doesn't somehow instantly convert most of the population into flesh eating zombies.

while Julie the prom queen gives you deep throat.

That ship has sailed. The time for deep throat was when she didn't have to whore herself for survival. If Julie can't contribute, her fee is anal. All anal, all the time.


Comment Re:And the attempt to duplicate their efforts resu (Score 1) 448

The issue has nothing to do with gitmo.

You're right, it doesn't have anything to do with gitmo - we can tell, because your "side" was dead silent when gitmo was established.

Nor the fact that he's a man, or that he is Black.

Not that he's a man, but for far too many it is because he's black.

The real issue here is the massive deficit that we now have

That was massive, but hidden, before he was in office. And the fact that there are lots of extremely rich people in this country who endeavor to pay far less, as a percentage, in taxes than they should.

that was called unamerican when it was half as big

We would love to do something about it but a certain party has decided to play obstructionist.

also the issues we have with drone warefare on americans without trial

If your points were salient or rational I'm sure you'd find you have more allies on these issues.

and also obamacare

Which sucks because the GOP forced it to suck.

Yet We get called racists for that statement I just made all the time....

If you're being called racist, it's probably because you're saying stupid, racist shit. Or spouting off in an irrational and incoherent manner that is indistinguishable from "I hate him cause he's black" rather than resembling a valid, well constructed argument.

Comment Re:New McCarthyism (Score 1) 448

We make a lot of noise about a person's political activity when they're going to get appointed to a position of authority in the government, like the Surgeon General nominee that conservatives are trying very hard to torpedo.

A person's politics shouldn't have any bearing on their employment in the private sector.


Comment Re:If you make this a proof of God... (Score 1) 612

'God' didn't write the story, a man did, hence the story involves it being okay to gang rape some guys daughters as you put it.

I'm absolutely fine with saying the Bible is not the inspired word actually. I'm not sure why you wouldn't think I am. I'm a bit surprised you are...

You really shouldn't talk about stories you don't understand in the slightest. About the only thing god 'wrote' was the ten commandments, and even that story was ... written by man saying god did it.

See - this is what Christians do when presented with the unpleasant bits of the Bible. All of a sudden "it's man's word." But find parts you agree with and it becomes "God's word" again. I don't know your personal theology. But to me it sounds like we partially agree. The Bible was written by man and is therefore no more important in many regards than anything else - except as an historic text. It proves nothing divine.

Its mind numbing that people like to try and tear religion apart with logic like you are, but you ignore the fact that parts you're picking on were tainted by man.

How do you know this? And how do you know other parts aren't? What justification do you use for cherry-picking parts you like from those you don't?

Comment Re:If you make this a proof of God... (Score 1) 612

I think the point is that what God considers to be "righteous" is entirely arbitrary and random like the whims of a mad-man. One minute he's saving the life of a man who would give his daughters to an angry mob to be gang-raped, the next he's torturing a guy for being just a little too self-centered, then he's flooding the entire Earth because 'fuck it.'

Comment Re:If you make this a proof of God... (Score 1) 612

The thing is - Lot was "the guy" God saved. This shining example of humanity offered his daughters up to an angry mob for gang-rape. Sure "in that time and context" it may have been a "big deal." But we're talking about objective morals set forth by a morally perfect deity. God in the story effectively rubber stamps Lot's actions as those of a virtuous man since he allows him to be saved.

Not to mention the laughable tale at the end about how Lot's daughters "get him drunk and sleep with him." Riiiiight. That's it. *They* seduced *me*!

Comment Re:If this is not a bribery then I don't know what (Score 2) 133

We should be Comcast's management and investors. Instead of bitching cancel your cable contract and buy Comcast stock. It will drive the share price down increasing the rate at which we can buy the sock. At 51% we can kick the fucking board of asshole to the curb and stack upper management with consumer focused executives. At current prices it is $150 per household for about 1.5 years but that should rapidly shift as investors flee the possibility of coop vs. rape prices. Capitalism can be democratic.

Comment This pisses me off. (Score 5, Insightful) 510

Maybe, for me, this is more about "minority culture" in general than "deaf culture" in particular. "Deaf Culture" is an adaptation for people who can't hear. Once you can hear, you no longer need the social adaptation.

I'm a member of a minority. For those of you who don't know, I'm black. At one time, black people were denied access to educational opportunities an that in turn lead to fewer career prospects. My parents and grandparents worked very, VERY hard to give me opportunities and I took advantage of them. I finished high school. I attended college. I earned a Master of Science degree. Consequently, I have a pretty good job. I've been accused of turning my back on "African American culture" because I speak like I paid attention in school. I don't use the "What up dawgg?" vernacular that some other people (who happen to look kind of like me) do. I have been accused of having "forgotten where you came from", as if I didn't come from a middle-income, racially diverse suburb.

Once we were no longer denied access to quality education, it was no longer necessary to speak AAVE (African American Vernacular English) or "Ebonics" that some people like to call it. We were able to learn standard American English and it benefits one to do so.

I understand the desire for deaf people to adopt the mantra "There's nothing 'wrong' with the way we are." but in reality there is. You can't hear!

I'm sorry if people take it personally that their social adaptation is becoming less necessary for future generations. I'm sorry that they feel lonely or abandoned. This is a good thing. This is progress. This means that fewer people will have to live with the handicap(sorry for the loaded term) of not being able to hear.


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