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Comment Re:Inflation, slow Internet, skill, slow PC (Score 1) 239

Then would you agree with most of my essay "Consoles are easy"?

Mostly yes.

And is there anything you'd add?

Don't forget the configuration/maintenance/upgrade issues of maintaining a gaming ready Windows machine. It isn't just finite money, it's finite time as well.

Then you buy a PlayStation 4 for most games, Wii U for Wii U exclusives, and Xbox One for Xbox One exclusives, and the total bill is on the order of $1100.

That's "if" you have any interest in those other exclusives. I personally don't.

How much does a gaming PC cost?

A reasonably good mid-range gamer build that you won't have to upgrade right away? Oh about 1200 -1500 dollars. You can pay less, of course, say 700 -800 for a budget build, but you'll have to upgrade that one sooner, and it won't be quite as good as a PS4.

Comment Re:Regulation for Taxation (Score 4, Insightful) 193

This is Massachusetts doing what it does best - looking to rake in some tax money.

It's one of the reasons that if you look at the census data, Massachusetts comes out looking good. unlike say Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, etc etc

Massachusetts isn't a net burden on the US like those states are. Massachusetts pays it's own way and more than that it's a better place to live.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 4, Interesting) 193

Or you can move to Texas like the best and brightest are currently doing.

Texas is a shithole dependant on Federal dollars. Sure, businesses love a place that lets them do whatever they want at the expense of the actual workers and populace. But it's a race to the bottom that even Texas can't win.

Get good weather

100 degrees in summer?

AND good government.

Wannabe theocrats?

Comment Re:Low density areas with not a Seoul for miles (Score 1) 82

I'm tired of assholes just "saying it is so", provide data or GTFO

You can research things yourself, can't you?

until then I stand with my assessment, that the USA has shitty internet

It does, but one of the many reasons it does is how our population is distributed.

Comcast is a bunch of greedy termites that should be dismantled the same way ATT was previously.

Probably, but AT&T isn't really dismantled any more, is it.

Comment Re:Low density areas with not a Seoul for miles (Score 1) 82

Why should I repost data that even a cursory google search can find? Besides, any dumb bunny knows that population density drops off outside of metro-areas in the US, but that in Korea the population is more concentrated.

instead you chose to be lazy

The lazy person was the one who didn't google. Why should I be the "Let Me Google That For You" guy?

you must be a millennial, I see that behavior everyday.

Yeah yeah, complain again about the Millenials, that's some axe you got against them, buddy. However I am not one of them, I was born in '67.

Comment Re:Inflation, slow Internet, skill, slow PC (Score 1) 239

Unless your PC is seriously weak sauce you could simply slap a GPU in it and play games just fine,

I run Linux on my PC, I would rather not run Windows. I also had a PS3, PS2 and PSone before it, though I don't own any any Sony TV/Stereo equipment. I also prefer analog movement to WASD. Playing games on that PS4 is "Easy Button Easy", no muss, no fuss. "It Just Works"

hell I got customers with Phenom II X3s and X4s that have no trouble playing the latest games. Today you can buy GPUs in the $180 range that curbstomp both the XB1 and PS4 in the purty dept,

I have a Phenom X4 in it, and a GT640, but to curbstomp that PS4 would require a GT970 or greater (which is more than $180). All I know is that War Thunder runs better on the PS4 than it does on the PC (I do have the Linux version installed), the controls are a non-issue since War Thunder PS4 supports the same control methods the PC version does.

  I don't want to have to pay $180 (or more)...just for a video card. I want to just buy a box and not worry about upgrades for years and know that most every game that says PS4 on the label will run fairly well (with a few notable exceptions from some exceptionally lazy developers).

I also think we shouldn't be throwing new hardware at games willy nilly. "Fixed" hardware encourages developers to at least try to do proper optimization rather than being lazy numbskulls.

I'm a console gamer at heart, I really don't think highly of PC gamers at all. When I'm being uncharitable I sometimes say things like "PC gamers are a bunch of overly entitled pirates who spend hundreds of dollars/euros on a new video card and then complain about high game prices so they go pirate everything or play a single map in a single game for 10 years. Perhaps if they spent less money on hardware they'd have more money for games"

I have a finite amount of fun money, every dollar I spend on hardware is one less I can spend on an actual game.

Comment Yep, usually "bad class" means "bad professor" (Score 2) 355

Bad students are certainly a thing but any time I've seen a professor talk about how bad a whole class is (and I've seen it, I do IT support at a university) is the PROFESSOR who is the bad one.

We had a guy who only lasted one semester before being told to leave. He disrespected his students, did a shit job teaching anything, and expected everyone to have advanced processor design knowledge that was PhD level or beyond. He gave them an impossible project and then raged at them when they couldn't do it.

While there may well have been a few lazy and/or disrespectful students in his class, the overwhelming problem was him. He expected everyone to kiss his ass all the time, not expect anything from him, and have education far beyond their years. With unrealistic expectations like that, of course he was disappointed in his class.

Everyone "failed" his class by raw numbers but he just curved it so in the end grades were a representation of intelligence, not mastery of the subject.

Comment Re:Inflation, slow Internet, skill, slow PC (Score 1) 239

*-But as far as Pre-Orders? I thought Aliens: Colonial Marines and Watch Dogs would have killed that practice, after all now we can't even trust what we see with our own eyes as it might all be mocked up bullshit.

Well I've pre-ordered a few things. most recently Diablo on the PS3 (and later on the PS4). But in that case I didn't pre-order until I had watched one of the PAX 2013 videos showing someone actually playing the game and showing menus and whatnot as he was playing: I was a big fan of Diablo on the PSone too.


With the PS4 version, I had the PS3 version as the "demo".

I'm tempted to pre-order TESO on the PS4. In that case I was able to watch live play of PS4 players playing the Beta.

Comment Re:Inflation, slow Internet, skill, slow PC (Score 1) 239

I can confirm Tepples statement. Late SNES games cost more than PSone games. 59 vs 49. Nintendo was less quick to discount games, it was common to see a "players choice" labeled title at full price, while Greatest HIts PSone titles were using 19.99.

I'm also old enough to remember full price atari 2600 titles at $40. So when whippersnappers complain about paying $59 for the MASSIVE amount of content in unmodded Skyrim, it gets my dander up. I'd shout the kids off my lawn but my lumbago and rheumatiz are actin up.

Comment Re:Inflation, slow Internet, skill, slow PC (Score 1) 239

In the Super NES era, you likely had to share a monitor with other members of the family who wanted to watch broadcast or cable television.

Multiple TV households were fairly common by 1991, so sharing was less common than you think it was.

Because you got only about an hour per day with the TV, those same 10 to 12 hours stretched over several days.

Or work, dinner, household chores, etc etc.

Besides, it was common to repeat those 10 to 12 hours for a better overall score.

Indeed. Or better overall time, like with Metroid and Super Metroid. Heck, if you're reasonably good, you can beat Metroid in an hour and a half without any "glitching" or other tricks. It's possible to beat Super Metroid in under 3 hours though I think I only got down to 3 hours and a half.

Comment Re:Attempting with existing title was a mistake (Score 2) 239

By that logic, the government should be taxing businesses at 75% because, hey, without their infrastructure, property rights, and policing, where would that business be?

Top marginal tax rate was over 90 percent at one time. So actually, they did. Business tax rates were higher too. Was one of the greatest growth periods of American history, because the government spent that money on infrastructure. a LOT of infrastructure.

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