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Comment Re:Hint: (Score 1) 26

There is a distinction between what was written and your impression of what was written.
Maybe I'm putting too fine a point on it, but it just seems like a right jolly truckload of egocentricity on display in your responses.

Comment Re:Hmmm (Score 1) 26

Somebody gave me "flamebait", carelessly ignoring the carbon footprint of the label.

But go ahead, tell us how this site is all overrun by "leftist fascists". Tell me enough times and I might even tell you where the next reptoid meeting is.

Possibly you could explain how you thought the scope of my verses was limited to /.
I very much had the Agenda 21 Aristocracy in mind while considering the rhymes.

Comment Re:Unclear (Score 1) 37

The United States seems to have achieved it. Not that we don't have people suffering from malnutrition, but ours have a tendency to weigh > 300 lbs, so I can't describe them as starving.

I'm one such. I have really bad malnutrition. But I'm getting better- after a high of 350, I weighed in at 324 today.

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