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Comment Re:EEO bullshit (Score 3, Insightful) 553


This is one of the biggest bullshit laws I've ever seen. Let's say I don't want to hire you because you're old. EEO laws simply mean that I can't say it in your face that you're old. Instead, i send you the standard HR rejection e-mail and we're all good. Sight, I hate seeing my tax $$ going to waste drafting these stupid laws.


This is one of the biggest bullshit laws I've ever seen. Let's say I don't want to hire you because you're [black]. EEO laws simply mean that I can't say it in your face that you're [black]. Instead, i send you the standard HR rejection e-mail and we're all good. Sight, I hate seeing my tax $$ going to waste drafting these stupid laws.

You're right, certain bits hasn't changed much...

Comment Re:Suicide mission (Score 1) 1097

I will agree that when it gets to the point of killing people for drawing things, it is truly sad.

But we must not pat ourselves on the back too much for managing to get over that very low hurdle. After all, we did spend decades in a cold war over who's ism is best. We killed a lot of people based on the combination of "ism-ism" and faith in "the domino theory". We have a lot of beliefs running around that cause suffering daily.

Comment Re:Pay, not talent (Score 4, Insightful) 553

Right here is the solid fact.

it's not about skill, It's about how cheap can we get the whores for, and how hard can we abuse them.

20 somethings tend to be too stupid to stand up for themselves and accept a 60 hour workweek as normal. They also buy the bullshit of "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and keep accepting more and more workload.

Comment Fluff piece (Score 1) 65

GNU/Linux distributions provide great advantages over proprietary alternatives for people with disabilities. All the accessibility tools included in Linux are open source, meaning their code is readily available if you want to examine or improve it, and cost nothing.

Because disabled people are so looking for a DIY solution. I'll give you the one about cost, but aids for the disabled are usually sold or given away far under their actual cost due to ideal organizations, corporate PR, government aid and so on unless you're making a business specifically for the disabled.

Developers who do not depend on assistive technologies tend to forget - or don't know - that a disabled person might want to use their application, read their web page, and so on. ... The problem is not necessarily that developers do not care.

Oh please, the open source community is 95% driven by scratching your own itch. Very few do any real effort to make it easier for other people to use in general, disabled or not. Which of course doesn't mean that we're heartless bastards, we do care that there are children starving in Africa and a blind guy who can't use your app. Just not enough to ever get around to it.

Rather, it's is that accessibility is highly specialized and requires someone with knowledge in the area, regardless of platform.

Yes, but it's usually not rocket surgery if you care enough to explore it. The few times I've dabbled in it I've found that often takes a lot of effort that doesn't benefit anyone but the disabled, the way a wheelchair user needs a ramp where a step works fine for everybody else. Or in other words, even if you know what you're doing it still takes time, that I certainly wouldn't want to spend on a hobby project.

Comment Dear recruiters.... (Score 1) 553

I'm an "old fart" and more of a digital native than any 20 something.. I have been in the internet since 1987 in a legit form.. Was a part of it in other forms for 2 years previous... Running Unix and managing dial up nodes for UUnet access. I have been active in usenet at that time as well as not only living the digital world, but I have done more in networking and computing hardware than any 10 of the new kiddies from college put together. How many of them have actually licked a cray?

In fact most old farts I know that are still in the business can still work circles around the new turds on the block. We just work smart using that experience we have instead of being over caffeinated lost puppies sniffing and peeing on every server rack they can find.

Comment Re:Suicide mission (Score 1) 1097

As Rich Hudds said, you are conflating myth with supernatural belief.

Many believe that medicine as practiced in the U.S. is a science when in fact it's more of a cargo cult. Others believe that name brands are actually different under the surface. Some believe the poor deserve to be poor because of something they did or didn't do. Others compound it by believing they are somehow functionally different from the preachers of prosperity gospel.

Oddest of all are those who take on faith that by purging belief in a deity they have removed all faith from their lives.

Comment Re:Suicide mission (Score 1) 1097

Some believe that they can pull all the state's teeth and make it shun it's own people and somehow achieve freedom rather than takeover by a corporate state in all but name. Others believe the GOP wants smaller government. It takes an especially large amount of faith to believe that one.

Some believe the Democrats are anything like 'the left' these days. That too takes an awful lot of faith.

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