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Comment Re:Understanding? (Score 1) 26

I don't really care about the inner workings of an AI model. That should not be the standard by which to judge whether something "understands" or not.

It is critical to know the inner reasoning in order to determine whether something understands. A parrot can speak but I do not think anyone believes that it understands what it is saying.

If you understand the concepts behind the words rather than the pattern the words make then you can use logical reasoning to determine new information. An AI trained on word patterns cannot do this and so, faced with a new situation has no clue how to respond and is far more likely to get things wrong. This is why ChatGPT performs so poorly on even simple, first-year university physics questions when asked to explain observations or results...and this is with situations that are known and have happened before. Being able to take concepts and using them to logically extrapolate what will happen in different situations is a key hallmark of intelligence and that is something that current AI simply cannot do.

Comment Re:More terrible science journalism (Score 1) 77

you are arguing against a point that wasn't made.

The point _was_ made: "constant rate" means that the rate of expansion remains the same with time. What you are talking about is a _common_ rate of expansion. The summary says that they are considering variations in the rate as a function of position but, by saying that the rate is constant that inplies that it does not vary with time and that is wrong: we know from multiple supernova studies that the expansion is accelerating. This even gave is a new possible "end of the universe" scenario: the "big rip" where in the incredibly distant future if the expansion keeps accelerating then possibly at somepoint the causally connected region of the universe might shrink to the planck scale at which point space-time itself will become impossible although this is all highly hypothetical since we do not understand what is driving the expansion.

Comment Re:I would even ban cruise control (Score 1) 86

I find cruise control a blessing on long drives. I can concentrate on other things, like the environment around me. Speeding tickets are also a non-issue.

My last rental car (in Texas for the eclipse) had adaptive cruise control, which I really like. I've looked in to retrofitting this to my own car (a 2016 Golf with dumb cruise control) but decided it's not worth the hassle. It also had lane assist. This showed me what it would be like to drive with an autopilot, though if it got angry with me if I took my hands off the wheel for more than 10 seconds. Nevertheless, I see the attraction.


Comment Re:Welcome to the machine (Score 1) 260

Marxism doesn't reject democracy at all and could hardly be any more pro-democratic, the only remotely undemocratic thought within Marxism is the concept that a "dictatorship of the proletariat" may be required during a transitional revolutionary period that would exist for the purpose of establishing a highly democratic communal society, and it seems to be only an assumption that this would be supported by the majority. If a majority voted to collectively seize all means of production (not private property, that's a red-scare strawman), you could call that populist or perhaps even authoritarian, but there's nothing undemocratic or anti-democratic about it.

Comment Re:Welcome to the machine (Score 1) 260

Do you think having a command economy (a debatable label, but they are certainly closer to one than anywhere in the first world) makes them socialist or communist in some way? They have private ownership of the means of production, undemocratic workplaces, and billionaires that the state treats as royalty like Meng Wanzhou. State capitalism is still very much capitalism.

Comment Lack of Commitment (Score 1) 260

California Labor Code 96(k) [] would keep Google from firing them for "lawful conduct occurring during nonworking hours away from the employer's premises"

Exactly how would this apply given that they were protesting _at_ the employer's premises and disrupting other employees who were trying to work there? It seems very reasonable to me that if you turn up at your place of employment and use your access to that place to disrupt the normal business of your employer by staging a sit-in that you should get fired for doing so.

After all, if these people really believed in what they were protesting then the honourable thing to do would be to resign from Google first, like government ministers do when they have a strong moral or ethical objections to the actions of the government of which they are part. Yes, it's a tough decision to make with financial repercussions but if you are not willing to do that then what you have is a preference not a strong moral objection.

Comment Re: See, I told you (Score -1) 264

I have historical held the belief that Palestinians were the ones irritating Isreal and Palestien is lucky Isreal hasn't wiped them off the planet. They have the military to easily do it until the rest of the middle east jumps in if the US doesn't.

HOWEVER, my wife and her family are Jews and my sister-in-law has always followed and supported Isreal ... until the Gaza raid.

There is pretty strong evidence that the Gaza attack was not just allowed, but even engineered by Isreal in order to set the stage to wipe the Palestinians off the face of the Earth using the attacks and kidnapping as an excuse. Given Isreals history and past tactics, that seems to entirely fit their MO, counter intelligence... they happen to have some skills there ...

If true - that doesn't justify Palestinians attacking Isreal civilians, kidnapping and killing them ... that is still flat out, 100% wrong.

But it's not possible at this point to sit back and only blame Palestinians.

The entire region has been fighting itself like rabied dogs for THOUSANDS OF YEARS. No one involved is innocent and even if we all shook hands right now, they'll be multiple generations of hatred that will have to leech away before any peace can happen.

You are entirely disingenuous by acting like Isreal is innocent and the good guy here who has been wronged. That's bullshit. They are all indoctrinated with hatred towards their neighbors starting at birth.

As long as you keep making it us against them when you all live right next to each other, you will continue to live in a war torn sithole while the rest of the world moves on and feels sorry for you.

I don't hate Jews because I don't want Palestinians killed any more than you could say I hate Palestinians because I don't want Jews killed.

It's your shitty prejudice attitude that causes this shit to continue.


What the fuck is wrong with your mind that makes it so not wanting some to die makes them hate others? That's some of the most ignorant fucking logic I've heard in a while.

Why is your only solution to kill people? Again, you are EXACTLY what the problem is. Indoctrinated prejudice that drives you to fight something you don't even understand.

It's not unique to Isreal, it's the entire region. You probably just happen to be Jewish and blinded by history.

Comment Re: insubordination (Score -1) 264

So the only time language is important and needs to be understood is when it's in a legal context ...

And all other usages of speech, the DICTIONARY DEFINITION of the word, and how it's used in the real world ... all of that doesn't mean shit because you decided the only thing ever relevant at all is in a legal context?

You've made a lot of posts on this article calling people idiots, but you're really the only one here that doesn't grasp the language and communicates like an ignorant idiot.

Imma bet $10 you don't actually understand what idiot means either.

I'd guess you're what 15-16 years old, flunked most of your English classes and are now here to tell us how everyone else is doing it wrong.

Come back after puberty is over and you aren't acting like an idiot yourself

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