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Comment Slow Unlimited (Score 1) 314

Answered $20 = rate = $30.

But it's not important to be 8mbps cutting-edge coverage. 100kbps would be acceptable for a truly unlimited. That's theoretically 260GB a month but if connections were forcibly dropped after, say, 20s the risk to runaway use is pretty effectively mitigated. So on that "unlimited" plan you could get maps, email, most web, social media, etc, but effectively no streaming AV.

Of course the details will vary, but the point is that I'd sooner accept a limit on speed than total transfer.

Comment Just got an iPhone (Score 1) 396

Adopted Google Voice on prepaid phones as a cost-cutting measure several years back. Little more than a year ago, got a cheap Android phone and put my prepaid SIM in there. It sucked as a smartphone. Many games were missing from the market, no OS updates ever materialized, and I couldn't even buy from the market for the longest time because My "Google Apps account" wasn't a "Google account." It was, but whatever. Kindle was slow, Youtube practically unusable (wifi). Eventually frustration and envy drove me to the iPhone late kast year. And now it actually does most of the things a smartphone is meant to do.

Except phone calls. As I said, I adopted Google Voice years ago. Number porting wasn't an option when I got it so went through the pain of changing my phone number with everyone. So now I have a Google address book, using the Google Voice app. Everyone has two phone numbers, depending whether I'm calling them from the iPhone or the Google Voice app. The address book living with Google means Siri is often confused by aliases (she forgets who my wife is, or any of those sorts of relational terms).

Android was and, near as I can tell, still is a mess as compatibility goes. The Google Apps account mess was finally fixed late in my ownership, but the non-existant software updates still have no real answer. Part of me hopes Samsung or HTC forks Android to make a single, truly updatable version. Right now both platforms have a severe flaw; iPhones in that you must fully drink the koolaid, and Androids that in the name of being so open, nothing is reliable. Neither phone is perfect. iPhone is generally better, and I would rank it above the Android, but neither of them is anywhere near Fantastic.

Comment I'm one of them (Score 1) 585

Web Inspector gained the ability to live update CSS and I gained the ability to switch to Chrome. Between the addon compatibility problems that come from rapid-fire releases and the general slowness Firefox suffers from, I was eager to leave it behind. I still think Firebug is better, and still have it installed, but Chrome is just so much easier/faster/mindless. So I switched.

Comment Re:Potential privacy nightmare (Score 1) 249

It looked to me from Ars take on it that they're compiling JS server-side but running it client-side. Timing shouldn't factor into that. It should decrease the time it takes JS to start running because the code's already been parsed and I would think poorly coded animation will run smoother. In a perfect world this feature would make litte difference.

Comment Re:Do you want a job as a software developer? (Score 1) 520

Absolutely. Working in IT when you want to write code is not ideal. But it puts you near where you want to be, talking to the right people. The skillset, as others have said, won't help or hurt, but in the mean time you're drawing a paycheck and fostering professional relationships. Plus. when a development position does open up, you'll likely hear about it first and may have a brief window to apply before it opens up to the world.

Comment Type 1 Diabetic (Score 1) 550

So multiple times, every day, for the rest of my life. Right now I have exactly 1. A few years ago, I had two. If two or even five made it more manageable, I'd take that many. The impact of fast-acting insulin and the ensuring quality-of-life improvements it brings has made me much less cynical towards the pharmaceutical industry.

Comment Re:Microsoft will eat their own dog food... (Score 2) 580

That was my first thought. .net has a much longer history than Silverlight (when considering it as a platform). And yet MS still treats .net as a stepchild. While it sounds ridiculous to say Office should be rewritten in .net, remember Windows Defender was originally .net and was re-written to remove those dependencies. If Microsoft is unwilling to commit to that platform, they're surely not going to commit to a platform with .net as a dependency.

Comment Re:Yeah, but will I be able to kill tabs? (Score 1) 417

An excellent point. I find tabs are terribly useful on one screen but the utility of multiple windows rapidly overtakes the utility of multiple tabs by the time you have more than 1 monitor. Let the window manager do its job. Pointing out deficiencies is the easiest way to get it fixed in the proper layer.

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