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Comment Re:Ah ah, what about the emails?! (Score 1) 175

I myself doubt that wiretapping (even without encryption) is a desirable approach to get at data, as opposed to stealing computer drives. With the drives you get everything that has not been mailed yet as well as everything from years back, all in one go. Most evil doers would not only be interested in current correspondence, no?

It is also an issue of practicality. Drive encryption is very easy and unobtrusive to deploy and manage. The basic variant uses just the same password in the same login screen.

As opposed to that, key management, and other basic usage concerns on PGP or similar are not easy. Average Joe needs to know too way too much about how these things work, and IT Staff / Power users don't get enough flexibility. Your white collar people may have spared you a LOT of annoyances while you still were sysadmin, in fact.

Comment Re:Good for you, Google (Score 1) 300

The central government in China is seen pretty positive by most people in China.

However many "mass incidents" (protests, riots, etc) are taking place, and the number is increasing. I have heard numbers of tens of thousands of such "mass incidents" each year, but hard to impossible to get any reliable numbers on that.

It is the local governments that are highly unpopular, down to local leaders being murdered and the village celebrating: such a case is now going on. This as many if not most local leaders are very corrupt, and have local business interests as well. This has issues for land rights and environmental pollution. It's those leaders that the protests are targeted against primarily. E.g. the local mayor owns a large share in the local coal mine, and will thus turn a blind eye on safety issues. Large brothels or gambling dens that were housed across the police station - the owner being a brother of the police commissioner.

You won't see much protest targeting the central government, and most of those are people asking for help in problems with local officials.

Comment Re:You don't need jobs, you need wealth (Score 1) 130

You could be right, but none of the things you listed creates wealth, so I'm not sure what the point of listing them was. What, other than labour, creates wealth?

Knowledge. And not just knowledge gained through experimentation or research, sometimes you can gain profitable information just looking out the window at the right moment.

Comment Re:In the words of the great Ken Titus... (Score 3, Interesting) 818

> but that one about the bike helmet just outright seemed silly.

And hence, you miss the OP's point entirely.

Each individual restriction has some benefit, and may have even saved some people some misery. And each one may make sense - depending on how much you value freedom vs safety.

As a kid, I had a pocket knife and a bb gun (later a .22). I worked for local farmers and rode (on the public road) on top of hay wagons and in the backs of pickup trucks. My folks let me wander off some pretty long distances without them. Much of what I did as a kid would not be allowed today for safety reasons. And that has probably saved somebody some grief, or maybe even their life.

But if I'd grown up in the same situation today, I imagine I'd probably have spent all day with the TV and Playstation. I'd have been safe, but out of my mind with boredom.

Comment Re:Why using cadmium? (Score 1) 454

You would need to translate them to an absolute scale (Kelvin or Rankine) to do a really meaningful comparison, but I would hope that most people that read English would be able to at least translate the temperatures into "pretty hot" and "a whole bunch hotter".

Even then, the temperatures may be less interesting than the amount of energy required to bring the materials to those temperatures (but adding energy at lower temperatures is probably easier).

Comment Re:You get what you pay for. (Score 1) 818

>>>when I look at teens today, it's terrifying how basically ignorant they are, and how amazingly short their attention spans are. Gee, us 50+ folks thought the same about *you*. :-) Then realized we sounded like our parents. :-) :-) :-)

The problem is there's truth in it. The pace of technological change has been much faster than the pace at which society and individuals can adjust in a sensible fashion. Witness the thread about privacy expectations.

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