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Comment Re:Flexibility, security, privacy (Score 1) 337

>> Apple wants lockin,

So does Microsoft. Look at their history, they on purpose ignore any existing standards and make their own incompatible versions of everything (that in most cases are also significantly functionally worse). They are doing that exactly to be able to create and control a walled garden. But you really can't blame Microsoft (or Apple) for finding ways to continue to rip people off as long as there are maroons that will continue to buy their products.

The ones to blame are the persistent Microsoft customers (I'm looking at you, IT depeartment heads) that prefer to keep cluelessly paying through the nose for shit products, even though there is nearly always a more functional, more useful, easier to use, more standard, more open and often even free alternative.

Comment Re:Not so stupid, just not ready yet. (Score 1) 406

>> or when people just don't see the value in buying one.

In all cases where people don't spend their money the way the government wants, legislation gets very quickly enacted to make sure that all the stuff that people would actually prefer to buy becomes either taxed to death or just outright illegal. Groups like MADD are probably already planning and fundraising to push such legislation through with as much money as it takes.

Of course the gov. will find a way to claim its all about saving lives or any other excuse to avoid admitting its actually all about making more money/votes from special interest groups at the cost of all of our freedoms of choice.

Once the self-driving legislation is in place, they will then quickly focus on making it illegal for humans to drive at all, and also illegal for all new cars to even have controls that make it possible to manually drive them.

Comment In other news: (Score 1) 3

In other news:
Work productivity accross the US today recovered to levels last seen 10 years ago, especially in industries/professions with a high ratios of female workers.

Comment Re:schadenfreude (Score 1) 121

>> in 2007 when it launched it was literally impossible to run it at the best settings.

Sorry but completely not true.
Admittedly my PC had a high-end video card and CPU for its time, but Crysis definately ran fine with best settings on my rig.

As I recall, the larger negative issue about Crysis was that it was VERY buggy on release, and to make matters worse, the game was pretty much already old news and in the discount bins by the time Crytek finally started releasing patches for it.

It seemed that Crysis/Crytek was just one of the many victims of a bunch of clueless MBA beancounters that seemed to be taking over every tech company back then. it seemed that many tech companies were suddenly switching culture from being very aware of the importance of shipping quality products, to incorrectly thinking they could get away with shipping any old broken crap as long as they met some arbitrary internal deadline.

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