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Comment Re:No Decent Solution (Score 3, Interesting) 83

> Nations must have borders or the nation ceases to exist.

I question that basic assumption: All that does is divide people into an "us vs them" mentality.

Why must there even BE _artificial_ human inventions such as borders?

The earth doesn't have borders, only men do.

I want a world where:

* People can freely live and work they may without another man giving them permission
* Personal Rights and Freedoms are respected and placed at a higher value then artificial government granted privileges,
* Governments to acknowledge that they are created BY the people to SERVE the people, not the other way around where people are brainwashed into believing they need artificial government granted privileges.
* Governments are Accountable for their actions
* Governments are Open about their actions

If people, and government which are an extension of people, would spend less time living in FEAR and profiting off making machines to kill other men we wouldn't even need borders.

Eventually a unified world government is more efficient but since that scares the hell out of a lot of people that will never happen until we remove money (corruption) from politics.

Submission + - Rupert Murdoch's quest to buy TimeWarner, not done yet

Presto Vivace writes: It seems that Murdoch's desire to acquire TimeWarner predates his acquisition of Fox, and continues in spite of TimeWarner's recent refusal of his most recent offer.. The possible deal is important in and of itself, but it also bears upon the succession.

Murdoch’s skill is not just hiring the right people; he has been able to maintain control over them. They have his support as long as they produce results.

His executives are the hired help. There is never any threat to his control. When a Murdoch favourite begins to get more headlines than the chairman, the clock begins ticking for their departure.

But with the Time Warner bid, that balance may change. Chase Carey has put together a deal that, because of Murdoch’s history, is almost irresistible to him. But it’s a deal only Carey can put together.

If he succeeds, the $US160 billion company that will emerge will be an ungainly beast that will depend on Carey making the merger work. He’s indispensable.

Clearly we have not heard the last of this.

Comment Re:Binary prefixes: Use them (Score 1) 272

Preaching to the choir, brother !

What gets me about this whole KiB MiB bullshit is that it is revisionist history based on some pointless ideology. Years ago I recognized:

Any ideology taken to an extreme is usually never a good idea in the long run.

IF the terms had been invented back in the '70s, then fine, we _might_ of adopted it. But in 1998? Fuck off. If there really is _that_ much confusion then either put a 2 or 10 subscript below the K or M to distinguish the base.

16 G2B = 16384 K2B = 16,777,216 bytes
299 M10m = 299.792458 Mm = 299,792,458 m.

We use B for Bytes, and b for bits. From context we can tell that base-2 is implied.

Submission + - Can the Multiverse be Tested Scientifically? (

astroengine writes: Physicists aren’t afraid of thinking big, but what happens when you think too big? This philosophical question overlaps with real physics when hypothesizing what lies beyond the boundary of our observable universe. The problem with trying to apply science to something that may or may not exist beyond our physical realm is that it gets a little foggy as to how we could scientifically test it. A leading hypothesis to come from cosmic inflation theory and advanced theoretical studies — centering around the superstring hypothesis — is that of the "multiverse," an idea that scientists have had a hard time in testing. But now, scientists at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, in Ontario, Canada, have, for the first time, created a computer model of colliding universes in the multiverse in an attempt to seek out observational evidence of its existence.

Submission + - Under The Sea: Rokudenashiko, Arrested For Sharing 3D Print Of Genitals (

FilmedInNoir writes: 42-year-old Megumi Igarashi, who works under the pseudonym Rokudenashiko, has come under scrutiny after she shared 3D prints of her vulva to supporters of her vagina boat project. The 42-year-old was accused of a Japanese penal code dating back to 1907, where it is illegal to sell or distribute obscene objects.

Comment Re:Binary prefixes: Use them (Score 3, Funny) 272

> Yes, RAM has been traditionally been measured using prefixes that imply powers of 2, but the errors have been getting worse and worse as the numbers get larger.

Total nonsense. You never buy 16,000,000,000 bytes of RAM. You buy 16 GB = 16384 KB of RAM, because the address line is always in base 2, never base 10.

Likewise hard disk drives are intentionally marketed to confuse people. Sectors have always been 256 bytes (Apple ][), 512 bytes (MFM) or 4096 bytes (modern HD)

Clock cycles were measured in MegaHertz, so powers of 10 are natural.

Getting bent out of shape because of some theoretical definition of perfection is a waste of time.

Comment Re:They need exactly 63 999 employees (Score 3, Insightful) 272

> 64K = 64,000
> In no unit of measurement is 64K(anything) = 65635.

How the hell did this ignorance of computer history get modded up??

In the context of [binary] computers, 64K = 65536
In the context of Science, 64K = 64,000

There were many ads showing 64K and there was never any confusion over it. Hell, Microsoft never adapted the KiB notation either.

The retarded term KiB wasn't EVEN invented until 1998!

Submission + - Russia prepares for internet war over Malaysian jet. 1

An anonymous reader writes: Barely a few hours afer the shooting down of a Malaysian passenger jet over Ukranian rebel held territory is already hotting up. Whilst US and UK news organisations are studiously trying to spread the blame, Russian ITAR, which, just earlier today was celebrating the downing of a large aircraft by rebel missiles in Torez (Google cache) is now reporting that the rebels do not have access to the missiles needed for such attacks. The rebel commander who earlier today was reporting the downing of the aircraft has also issued a correction to earlier reports that they had captured BUK air defence systems with Russian sources now stating that the rebels do not posess such air defences. The Ukraininan president has been attempting to frame the incident as a "terrorist attack", however US president Obama who, after the accident was first made contact with Vladimir Putin has been instead treating it as an accident, a "terrible tragedy" and saying that the priority is investigating whether US citizens were involved. With control of the black box and it's own internet propaganda army Russia may be in a good position to win the propaganda war.

Submission + - Level 3 confirms: Verizon is the cause of Netflix congestion. (

althanas writes: Mark Taylor, the Head of Connectivity, Security and Performance at Level 3 Communications, confirms that Verizon is to blame for slow connections to Netflix. Verizon's claims that their network has plenty of capacity only reinforces the fact that they are capable of delivering content, and merely choosing not to. Several of the hotly debated "peering links" between networks remain available and completely unused by Verizon as confirmed by transit provider Level 3.

Submission + - Denver Airpot Rental Car Agencies Inundated With Pot Left Behind By Travelers (

schwit1 writes: Rental car workers at Denver International Airport say pot tourists are regularly leaving them with marijuana that travelers don’t want to try to carry through DIA.

“It happens quite often,” a rental car employee at a national chain told a CBS4 employee. “Every couple of days. I just throw it in the trash.” At another major rental car company, an employee told CBS4 pot is handed over to employees “pretty frequently but depends on if there is an occasion.”

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