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Comment Re:As expected from google (Score 1) 113

it is stupid that a small error without much consequence ruin your life.

Come on. Tell us. What did you do?

Seriously though. I'm not sure how you think life works, but small errors without consequence ruin lives all the time. "I only had three beers" or "I forgot to wear a rubber" are small errors.

The only question I have about this law is how in the world could it NOT end up being abused? This law is designed to be abused.

Comment Re:Computers: They can respond fast -and- slow (Score 1) 223

or lock out the console/IP entirely, after N failed attempts.

Which opens the door to DOS attacks on target accounts, but there are several smart ways to work around that (send an unlock link to the e-mail address for that user, for example).

I hope security "analysts" catch on to reality soon.

There are two kinds of security people in the business world. Those with a real interest in advancing the field and making computing more secure, and those working for large consulting and IT "Security" companies. I am exaggerating some, of course, and there are great people in those companies as well, but unfortunately the business concept of too many of them is based on solving problems in such ways that you can sell the solution to many other customers, not on finding a solution that takes care of the actual problem.

It's the same with consulting companies and the insource/outsourcing cycles. There are good arguments for both of them, but if you've watched the business world for a decade or two you understand that they are hyped in cycles so the same consultants who sold outsourcing to a company last period can sell insourcing to the same company next period or after the next CTO change.

Comment not news (Score 2) 223

Me and other security experts have been saying such things for years.

Basically, our password handling systems and policies are completely broken. It's not just what xkcd pointed out - it's worse. Those policies are based on making brute-force attacks more difficult. But to sum up a complex topic in a soundbite: If your system allows for brute-force attacks, your system is fatally broken.

Comment Re:One man (Score 1) 308

A perfect chance to tighten the fences keeping the citizens in check.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but the idea that you have to keep Canadians "in check" is pretty funny. I've lived in Canada and have never met a people who were less "out of check".

I mean, what are there, about four homicides a year in Ottawa? And three of those are probably mercy killings. The other was a guy who wore a Marian Hossa jersey to an Ottawa Senators' game. Even criminals in Canada are polite.

Comment Re: Did they make money on Surface? (Score 5, Interesting) 117

I own a Surface Pro 2 and a Surface Pro 3, and use them for portable music production, live performance and field recording. They are by far the best system for such use. It's a tablet, with the touch screen (or stylus) except it can run a full version of ProTools with all the plug-ins and VSTi's you could possibly want. Full USB connectivity for audio interfaces, MIDI controllers and peripherals.

If they made a Macbook with a removable touchscreen, it would be close, but Apple seems more intent on having every pixel in the world. I remember when Apple really catered to musicians (except for their slow adoption of audio driver standards). Now, they cater to people watching cat videos. At the moment, there is no device close to the Surface Pro for this purpose. I don't believe this niche is enough to sustain the Surface Pro by itself, but I'm glad to have them right now. And I hope someone else out there is paying attention, which is why I post a comment just like this every time the Surface comes up on Slashdot.

Not that there's anything wrong with cat videos.

Comment Re: Did they make money on Surface? (Score 4, Funny) 117

Of course he's looking for bad news. Have you read the comments for any Slashdot article that mentions the Surface or Surface Pro? A brigade of people come out who are basically upset that it even exists. It's like the Surface Pro scared their mothers when they were in the womb.

Comment Re: Passwords should not exist (Score 2) 223

They only fix 2 problems - weak passwords and keyloggers.

That's not true. They also provide protection against:

  • Shoulder surfing attacks, which require no compromise to the internals of the endpoint
  • Storage of data encrypted with a protocol that later proves vulnerable in some interesting way, such as a key compromise

For example, consider heartbleed. If someone stores your encrypted communication, and later compromises a host's private key, that attacker could ostensibly decrypt those communications. If you use a password, that password is compromised, and it's "Game over, man." If you use a physical token, only the PIN is compromised (assuming the actual verification happens in a separate process).

Ideally, you would still want to issue new PIN codes, but the account hijacking risk would be largely mitigated by the physical token requirement, at least after the n-hour cookie expiration window passes, and you could even eliminate that window by expiring any cookies in your authentication database before bringing it back online after you fix the heartbleed vulnerability.

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