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Comment Re:Why not just... (Score 1) 384

You didn't see the second part of the question. Yes, there are a few protocols that use Ethernet without using TCP/IP. Do any on that smaller list us IP addresses?

I can think of quite a few that use Ethernet, but I can't think of anything that uses static IP addresses that doesn't use TCP/IP, on Ethernet or otherwise.

That there may be something someone has made work in a lab doesn't mean that we should assume the most obscure and inane definitions for the task at hand.

Comment Re:It's not a networking issue. (Score 1) 384

IF there's no security, then just mirror port 1 on all the other ports (obviously, presuming you've plugged the 16 pumps on ports 1-16). The software "logs in" to pump 1, and pumps 2-16 think they are logged in by the same computer. That their handshake was discarded doesn't matter, if security was bad enough. Then, when you push the update to 1, 2-16 will think it's for them, and install it without issue.

Comment Re:North Pole (Score -1) 496

Nope. Those "inner rings" wouldn't allow you to walk south for one mile, so they are invalid. And allowing that you start walking south, and continue "straight" regardless of whether it later becomes north, would (at a first glance) would send you too far north, so that you can't get back home. If you are exactly one mile north of the south pole, you could satisfy the conditions , if you allow spinning in place to count for "walking west" as you'll be spinning west.

Comment Re:Threatens security (Score 3, Interesting) 102

Exactly, just last week I was reading about a proposed Canadian mine that was vetoed by the native council, not due to environmental concerns, but because of uncertainty over environmental impact in the future because current and projected prices didn't actually support opening the mine in the near term but the company looking for approval was looking for a 50 year lease on the land. If Russia ties up a lot of the world supply and shuts down mines they own then the price will rise and mines like that one will come online, it's not like they're going to take over so much of the world supply that we'll be shutting down reactors due to lack of fuel. The real fear I'm sure is that Westinghouse and GE and their suppliers will have to pay more for yellowcake in order to produce their overpriced fuel rods.

Comment Re:Maybe I'm Old (Score 1) 47

I agree. It may only take a few seconds to google, but that's a few seconds unnecessarily wasted because the summary poster was too lazy to provide a definition (though to be fair, with as inaccurate as some summaries have been lately, this isn't the worst offense by far).

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