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Comment Re:Some Sense Restored? (Score 1) 522

Gimp has a dbus dependency, and dbus in turn has the systemd libs as dependencies.

Which still sounds odd to me. I'm running Gentoo on my main desktop (Mint on my laptop) and have never installed systemd. I've decided to stick with OpenRC. GIMP works fine here and I do have dbus installed.

It seems this dbus dependency is not an unsolvable problem.

Comment make it option for aunt minnie (Score 3, Interesting) 522

I could see why a desktop user might want to have such a thing as systemd (not me though), or someone with no admin skills having a canned all-in-one solution for their little business or hobby website.

But for where Linux dominates, server and embedded systems, I don't believe it fits into the Unix way of doing things and makes admin harder.

Comment Re:Wait, how is this possible?? (Score 1) 376

Are you young? You certainly are confused.

Of course at time of invasion Iraq had old, UN tagged, long-expired weapons. That was never in dispute, Saddam had used some of those on Kurds. What Saddaam did not have was current, ongoing program or functioning weapons; but Bush administration claimed they did.

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