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Comment Re:extradition (Score 1) 146

A properly implemented death penalty keeps the person from causing damage to anyone else in the future. Including OTHER INMATES.
If I've already got life in prison, I'm free to stab, main, or generally bully anyone else who is in there with me. What're they gonna do, give me another life sentence?
If we truly want prison to be even slightly reformative, you can't have this happening.

Comment Re:Just keep supporting fossil fuels (Score 1) 120

You literally disproved your signature.
Where's your magical battery that accomplishes all this?
Where's the magical plane that runs on only electricity?
I'm guessing your answer is a variant of the no true scotsman fallacy. Such as "well, we don't really need planes anyway".

You know what happens when you cut people off from reasonable fossil fuels ( say, natural gas) without a replacement?
They go back to the old standbys - coal, wood, whatever - that are way worse than what you just banned.

Comment Re:Chuckleheaded media outlets (Score 1) 350

The LA times went from News Source to catering to the expected largest demographic in their area when they were bought by a Korean doctor a few years ago.
Quality of articles declined drastically, and they preach what they believe the readers like to read. Which at this point isn't working out for them. I dropped them a few years ago, I can get heavily biased reported all over the place if I'm so interested.

Comment LA TImes (Score 1) 350

I know traditionally the LA Times was pretty much a top tier reporting source, but ever since they sold out to a Korean doctor and moved to El Segundo from the historic downtown office, they pretty much jumped the shark.
Essentially, the decision was made to cater to the primary audience in California, politically.
So it's a weird version of MSNBC now. They occasionally run an interesting story, but anything vaguely political will be a rant.
Which sucks, I subscribed for years.
The last straw was during an election, when their cross-town newspager rival ran the usual Pro\Con articles on various election propositions ( the assumption being the reader could decide). Each proposition had a different day. The LA times, however, only ran recommendations on one day and ragtag reporting on the others.

Comment Re:I've seen it (Score 1) 119

Bringing out the grumpy old man here, but I"m pretty sure if I had told my Dad I'd be staying home from school for no reason, what would have followed would have been the task of moving a large pile of dirt around various portions of the backyard, until I finally decided to return to school.

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