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Comment Re:Boggle (Score 1) 909

Hmm, your letter sized information sheet is useful and looks good! I'd like to have a printout twice as large without buying special paper, cutting or redesigning. Could you just print on the 2xLetter that I use all the time then?

Another question, if I may, when is the last time you needed to know how big a sheet of paper is when not working in a program that will tell you or a sheet and a ruler at hand? Would knowing the size to 3 millimeters have been precise enough on that occasion?

Let's try another one. What's the margin of error on your letter paper, and has it ever been a problem?

Comment Re:0.001km = 0.01hm = 1m = 10dm = 100cm = 1000mm (Score 1) 909

Do they actually use tools that precise in the US, or is it imaginary precision. Also, no one uses thirds of inches, so the "need" for thirds is something that people use to retroactively explain the superiority of units that don't match the base used for counting. When the units don't feature thirds, thirds are rarely used, when they are, they are rounded in practice, so cut straight to the rounding part as that is what happens in the real world. FURTHERMORE, since the base doesn't match the units, it's only one fucking step you get to divide by three anyway. Under inches it's binary, above feet everyone just uses multiples of feet. Useless hard to remember and deal with in practice bullshit. Excuses to not learn anything new.

Comment Re:DroidStep would make Play Store even more usefu (Score 1) 255

If your company requires your phone to not be rooted you can't install any code that requires rooting. This doesn't affect GPLv3 anything, it can even still be shipped with GPLv3 code as long as it's user space/the device can be rooted by the owner (be it you, or your company), even if you opt not to do it.

GPLv3 requires that any GPLv3 code shipped on the device needs to be able to be replaced by modified versions, it doesn't require the device to be in a state ready to accept such modifications without additional intervention.

Comment Re:DRM (Score 1) 258

It's not completely useless, in such a system fixing security issues would not just prevent future attacks but also neutralize compromises without rebuilding the whole thing from a trusted source. Current: your system gets exploited, you now may have untrusted executable code in the system, fixing the original exploit doesn't do much. Signed: your system gets exploited, you now may have untrusted data on your system ready to re-exploit at runtime, fixing the original exploit renders said data inert (like it should have been in the first place).

Comment Re:Wow that's harsh. (Score 1) 258

You haven't seen anyone using "BSD's back scratcher" because what it actually means is that it was made from BSD wood. Some people like seeing their wood carved into back scratchers and seeing their name in the booklet everyone throws away without reading, I don't get it, but I don't have a problem with it. Why they feel the need to complain that those who insist that back scratchers made from their wood come with schematics ready for laser cutting are somehow less helpful is beyond me.

Comment Re:No surprise there (Score 1) 263

OP was selectively emphasizing their quote to support the argument that only the full key can be considered a clue to the key, this is not the case outside of perfect implementations. It's the difference between determining that a one-time pad was (attempted to be, if one insists on defining away errors) used and giving up because it's impossible to decrypt and attempting to crack it on the basis that knowing the definition doesn't tell you everything about the message in front of you.

Comment Re:No surprise there (Score 2) 263

It's like saying that long division performed with an error is not long division any more, and that therefore it's impossible to get wrong results with long division. Then furthermore defending such a position on the basis that "division" is right in the name and getting incorrect results means that you weren't dividing at all, but rather something else entirely.

Comment Re:No surprise there (Score 0) 263

And since it doesn't have anything regarding the nature of the pad in the name it doesn't matter. Semantically though you can read it as "cleartext only needs to be padded once" just as well, which is why the semantic argument is nitpicking. It's either possible to misapply one-time pads or it isn't, that one misapplication might be implied in the name doesn't change that.

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