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Comment You clicked on the wrong button (Score 2) 278

Take another look at the numbers for Republican vs. Democrat. They are much closer than the summary (mis)led you to believe by quoting the Conservative vs. Liberal numbers.

Also notice the subtle wording of the AGW question: "The earth is getting warmer mostly because of human activity". The word "mostly" is clearly there to bias the answers. They didn't ask "Is the earth getting warmer?", or "Is human activity contributing to the earth getting warmer?"

Comment Re:Superstition and mysticism (Score 3, Interesting) 278

What I see is people turning more and more away from learning, actual knowledge, and truth, and turning back towards religion

Where do you see that? Church membership per capita is way down in the US.

Also keep in mind the the Pew Trust is notoriously liberal, especially related to environmental issues. It isn't a surprise that their survey pushes their agenda. They're also known for sending their own employees (and having them claim to be from the general public) to attend congressional hearings so it appears there's more grass root support for their causes than there actually is.

Comment Biased summary (Score 4, Interesting) 278

Aside from pointing out the glaringly obvious (people who identify themselves as Conservative gave responses consistent with what you would expect from people who identify themselves as conservative, same for LIberals), /. the summary ignores far more interesting points.

1) There is a much smaller difference between Republicans and Democrats than there is between Conservatives and Liberals, e.g. the Evolution question goes from 21% versus 54% (Ideology) to 57% versus 72% (Party Id).

2) Several of the questions show a fairly small difference between Republicans and Democrats (pesticides, animal research, world population, vaccines, manned space programs, bioengineered fuel, and space station).

Submission + - Depression: The secret struggle startup founders won't talk about (businessinsider.com)

mattydread23 writes: In May, Cambrian Genomics CEO Austen Heinz committed suicide. The news stunned friends and family, and sparked a conversation about the growing problem of depression among startup founders. Some estimates say 30% of startup founders suffer from depression, but many are reluctant to talk about their struggle for fear of alienating investors and employees. This feature by Business Insider includes conversations with a friend of Heinz, plus many investors and other startup founders who are starting to talk about the problem and figure out how to make things better.

Comment Considering alternatives (Score 1) 141

It sounds like they're considering various alternatives and haven't made the final decision. I suppose it would be easier to make that decision if the commercial rockets were rated for manned missions, but the recent launch failures are a reminder that rocket science is right at the edge of what humans can engineer.

Submission + - Creating bacterial 'fight clubs' to discover new drugs (vanderbilt.edu)

Science_afficionado writes: Vanderbilt chemists have shown that creating bacterial "fight clubs" is an effective way to discover natural biomolecules with the properties required for new drugs. They have demonstrated the method by using it to discover a new class of antibiotic with anti-cancer properties.

Comment Re:a bright future (Score 1) 40

You don't seem to understand what you have written.

You claimed that this prototype aircraft "makes it very clear that it's entirely possible" to replace fossil fueled aircraft with solar powered aircraft. The only thing that Solar Impulse has made clear is that a solar powered aircraft can be flown; there is nothing to indicate that a solar powered aircraft of any design or any efficiency can possibly replace fossil fueled aircraft as you claimed.

Submission + - Taiwan water park powder explosion injures hundreds (bbc.com)

bswarm writes: More than 500 people were injured when fire ripped through crowds at a party at an amusement park outside Taiwan's capital Taipei.
Saturday's incident at the Formosa Water Park is believed to have happened when a coloured powder ignited after being discharged onto the crowd.
Apparently they forgot about the fire hazards of fine powder or dust. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

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