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Submission + - Japan Train does 500kph (

An anonymous reader writes: Japan has now put 100 passengers on a Maglev train doing over 500kph. That's well over twice as fast as the fastest US train can manage, and that only manages 240kph on small sections of its route. The Japanese Shinkansen is now running over 7 times times as fast as the average US express passenger train. See

500kph is moving towards the average speed of an airliner. Add the convenience of no boarding issues, and city-centre to city-centre travel, and the case for trains as mass-transport begins to look stronger.

Comment Re:The Highway Trust Fund (Score 1) 554

Rename it ...

I hope that was sarcasm. Unfortunately that bait and switch is all too common; create a source of revenue for a purpose that most people support (e.g. Highway Trust Fund) then switch what it's used for on the assumption that "the American people are too stupid to understand the difference" (tm - Jonathan Gruber) .

Submission + - How to anesthetize an octopus (

sciencehabit writes: Researchers have figured out how to anesthetize octopuses so the animals do not feel pain while being transported and handled during scientific experiments. In a study published online this month in the Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, researchers report immersing 10 specimens of the common octopus in seawater with isoflurane, an anesthetic used in humans. They gradually increased the concentration of the substance from 0.5% to 2%. The investigators found that the animals lost the ability to respond to touch and their color paled, which means that their normal motor coordination of color regulation by the brain was lost, concluding that the animals were indeed anesthetized. The octopuses then recovered from the anesthesia within 40 to 60 minutes of being immersed in fresh seawater without the anesthetic, as they were able to respond to touch again and their color was back to normal. (Video)

Submission + - Mathematics great Alexander Grothendieck, 86, dies in France

An anonymous reader writes: Alexander Grothendieck, one of the great eccentric geniuses of 20th century mathematics, has died in France at the age of 86. Grothendieck was leading mind behind algebraic geometry. He was awarded the Fields Medal in 1966. He reached the very pinnacle of his profession before abandoning the discipline, taking up anti-war activism, retreating into the life of a recluse and refusing to share his research. He died on Thursday in a hospital in Saint-Girons in southwestern France.


Comment Re:Astonishing grasp of the obvious (Score 1) 350

Whether it offends me or not is irrelevant (I didn't post on either of the women's FB pages). It does offend many people. Not sure how you are connecting that to marital status, I agree they are not connected

The wedding band is important though. Are you really saying there's no difference between a married couple having a baby and a single woman having a baby?

Comment Astonishing grasp of the obvious (Score 5, Interesting) 350

First photo (black woman) breastfeeding in public with a race-baiting headline ("Black women do...") draws negative comments. Second photo of a woman apparently in private and wearing a wedding band draws positive comments. The editorial has both pictures cropped so you can't see if either woman is wearing a wedding band.

Comment Re:Looks Like This May Be Controversial ... (Score 1) 204

I wonder if the issue is not whether or not a manager is technically competent, but whether or not a manager is competent in the area in which that manager actually spends their time

I completely agree. A good manager does management functions (forecasting/budgeting, recruiting, team building, training, etc). If a manager tries to be the technical lead it rips the team apart; subordinates cannot make any decisions (or their decisions are overruled) and the other functions that a manager should be doing are ignored.

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