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Comment Re:What the hell is wrong with Millennials?! (Score 1) 465

I'll take greatest generation and Cuban Missile Crisis for $500 Alex.

Able archer wasn't the first it's probably not the 2nd or the last either it's just one we found out about and isn't even all that well known currently.

That said the whole recent trend towards political correctness, and kids acting like Orwellian zampolits is not what I would call a good thing.

Comment Re:Sounds unlikely to me (Score 1) 135

And by probably i mean at the level of confidence of any AGW prediction model. ie a bit. Yet every man and his dog knows that scientist having everything correct with AGW and your a coal/oil denier shill if you disagree. Yet every armchair scientist that hasn't even bothered to read the wiki about $TOPIC know why everyone working in the field is so clearly wrong.

That's why the agw fanatics generate negative opinions about science. It's apparent to everyone but them that they have gone over the edge.

Comment Re:What we actually Need is some Bloody Panic (Score 1) 329

My question to you is why are you such a pessimist that you think it's impossible without the use of fossil fuels to have a better life?

Wow way to slam the oversimplify lever into overdrive.

I'll try for a basis we might both be able to agree on here. Improvements in living conditions correlate positively with per capita energy consumption (From whatever available resource be it animal power to nuclear). Barring artificial increases to the cost of fossil fuels they are still by far the cheapest sources of available energy. You can build a gas powered vehicle and run it for years, for less than the cost of a battery pack for an EV. 1600$ U.S. how much does the battery pack on that Tesla cost ? That's transportation. They are also still the only reliable source for the electric grid with the exception of nuclear. You can talk about how cheap P.V. is all you want but without net metering backed up by a grid the economics are nowhere near as rosy.

So you raise the cost for people around the world to get the kind of things we consider basics not high life here just the basics, refrigerated food, safe water, communications systems that connect you to the world around you, opportunity to travel. Will making this more expensive and difficult for them to acquire make it impossible ? It's certainly going to make it harder and take longer and maybe not happen at all. It's for damn certain going to make sure some of those people will not get to that spot and not even have hope of getting there.


Comment Re:Good/BAd news for science. (Score 1) 90

Thanks for letting me know what I was advocating and then showing where what you said I said was wrong.
I am sure there's a word for that kind of thing.

Anyway if you can let me know how citing applications of technologies developed long before the LHC was a dream of anyone's eye is relevant to its funding ?

Otherwise I expect you will come back with something about how basic physics lets us design buildings so that's why we should fund things like the LHC.

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