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Comment Re:Those who can - do. (Score -1) 247

Those who cannot do - sue.

The entire premise of 'anti-trust' coming from a government, ANY government is laughable in every possible way. The only real monopolies that can abuse power are created by governments and it is government power that is abused by them, as for Google and other companies that compete among each other and may become dominant (for some time) in a market - this is due to the choice of the clients, who collectively vote for that company to be in a more dominant position at that time.

I see you got mod bombed by the Fascist Left. If I had the points I would mod you up but since I don't I'll just quote

Comment Re:Well guys if you were passed over for a positio (Score 1) 517

You now have a basis to sue. Have at it.

By all means, I want to see the giant mangina who brings the lawsuit because "White men are being discriminated against".

I bet he looks something like this:


Mangina ? Such hate speech

Comment Re:Crappy set of rules. (Score 1) 441

I happen to love the decision regarding municipalities. It was mindboggingly insane that those laws could get passed anywhere and good reason to bring back the "He needed killing" defense.

Redefining broadband was pointless and little more than playing around with the parameters of an already corrupt system of subsidies.

Title II is better than nothing but not what needs to be done. I don't care if ISP X wants to set up fast lanes or not as long as I can choose not to use them. What we have from the FCC is very much better than just letting the ISPs make the choices but it does nothing about letting me make choices.

Comment Re:Hell No Hillary (Score 1) 676

And yet, the 8 years Clinton was in office, shit was good in America. Really fucking good. Then Bush came in and fucked shit up.

If you believe that Clinton was personally responsible for the prosperity, and had nothing to do with the economic problems that hit just as he was leaving office, there is very little hope for you.

Comment Re:But not to Nestle. (Score 4, Informative) 332

What exactly is your criticism of my post? Your's is so bizarre and confused it's difficult to tell.

I was perfectly able to understand his post. He pointed out that there are commercial uses for salt. On the other hand your post and attitude seems to scream of a lack of thought. I have no idea how anyone can write this line

Desalination on the level being talked about here would produce huge amounts of salt and other minerals

As if it is some sort of problem.

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