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Comment Re:Almost. there. (Score 2) 156

and ... open source... so useful parts can be reviewed and ported to populars android mods

This is not the main reason why it should be open source, nor is "open source" enough, unless we are using a definition compatible with the free software definition. In fact, both hardware and software should be free, documented, and open in order to justify the basic security and privacy claims the manufacturer is making.

As for "open source", the freedom to distribute modified copies (which is not clearly implied) is paramount to anything aspiring to be secure. If a bug is discovered, and a patch is available, the software will remain insecure if the authorized distributor refuses to apply the patch. Free software does not have this problem.

As for the order of your list, all the things you named are very useful indeed, but they are not worth crap unless the entire thing is free software, and the hardware is open and certified by third parties without special interests. One binary blob makes all security and privacy claims a lie, plain and simple. Not an honest mistake, not a misunderstanding: these people surely understand security, so when they start selling "secure" binary blobs, they will be lying through their teeth.

Comment Source link (Score 5, Informative) 32


Stop with space.com slashvertisements already, it's nauseating.

space.com are leeches who are not competent enough to link to the frigging Hubble site. You know, the very minimum of what one can do to credit the work of the people who actually built the space telescope, took these amazing pictures, processed them, and brought them to the masses.

Comment Re:Vechile Miles Driven Tax, GPS to every car (Score 1) 599

A car that respects the owner's freedom would give full access to the odometer, so the scheme you describe will be too easy to cheat. Instead, it may be necessary to apply the same flat rate to all non-commercial vehicles, and make commercial operators self-report, keeping them honest with hefty fines when they are found cheating.

Comment Re:Point taken. (Score 1) 599

I am sure there will be willing mechanics, and ways to rip out, disconnect, or fry all of the equipment that either records or transmits data. Free-software cars should also be forthcoming, even if we have to wait another 10 years. After all, they could make cars without software at all, so they should be able to make it with free software only, even if it's behind the curve.

Japan To Create a Nuclear Meltdown 222

Taco Cowboy writes "Japanese researchers are planning an experiment to better understand what transpires during a nuclear meltdown by attempting to create a controlled nuclear meltdown. Using a scaled down version of a nuclear reactor — essentially a meter long stainless steel container — the experiment will involve the insertion of a foot long (30 cm) nuclear fuel rod, starting the fission process, and then draining the coolant. The experiment is scheduled to take place later this year."

Comment Re:First things first. (Score 1) 796

I care more about *how much* and *how often* you read, than *what* you read.

So, quantity over quality? Really?

If you read more than 50 books a year that tells me a lot more about you than the titles you read.

All that tells me is that you are probably unemployed.

I think everyone should read at least 20 books a year, with two or three genres of fiction and non-fiction represented.

You forgot to mention why. Why at least 20? Why both fiction and non-fiction? Assuming that everything you read is well-written, what is wrong with only reading blogs and periodicals? What is wrong with only reading non-fiction? What is wrong with only reading fiction? What is wrong with only reading and writing personal correspondence? What is wrong with not reading anything thick for 2 years while writing your own novel?

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