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Comment Re:Sony? (Score 1) 177

So let me get this straight: Sony advertises that you can install Linux on the PS3, users buy the PS3 and install Linux on it, Sony removes the said advertised feature, and it's the user's fault because other machines are better at running Linux?! Great logic you have there.

Don't forget that many people installed the update which removed Other OS by accident, or they wouldn't dream that installing an update would purposely remove an advertised feature. I am flabbergasted that you so quickly take Sony's side in this issue.

Comment I get it (Score 1) 269

I get it, I did the same thing and bought 2 refurbished Sansa devices for more than the retail price of a new one. Why? Because they work great with Rockbox. Not to mention there's no stupid touch-screen interface! I can control these blindly while driving.

Comment Re:I just don't get it (Score 1) 229

You'd be correct actually. I don't expose myself to any advertising at all. I used to use mythtv which had commercial auto-skip, now I don't have cable TV at all. I download youtube & twitch videos and use adblock and noscript.

If iPads are so easy to use, why were professional educators unable to figure them out without training? If they're so easy to manage, why were mere schoolchildren able to bypass a professional IT department's restrictions? If iPads are so capable, why can't I run the browser of my choice on them?

Comment Surfaces suck (Score 1, Informative) 101

I recently started working with the Surface Pro 3 and it blows, hard. Microsoft makes the hardware, the drivers, and the operating system yet none of these things work properly. I ask myself why these things don't work properly, but then I remember who is behind it. I'm going to list a few of the issues I've run across so far, and I'm sure I'll find more.

I've had issues where the keyboard cover (which is made specifically for the surface) stops working for no reason. Device Manager says there's no driver installed, so you install a driver but Device Manager still says there's no driver even though there were no errors reported. The only fix was to "refresh" Windows, which means reinstalling windows on top of the other install and re-installing all your programs. Very time consuming for a device made for the Surface by the same company that should just work.

Doing regular driver updates stopped the Surface Dock ethernet from working. Again, I had to reinstall Windows. All I did was Windows Updates that came from you-know-who.

One of the firmware update drivers makes the firmware update device fail to start. Device Manager says to reboot to make it work and they provide you with a reboot button. You click the reboot button, your system starts rebooting, but then you get an error saying you can't reboot because the subwindows from Device Manager are open and need to be closed first! Why even give the user a reboot button if they're not allowed to click on it?

I also see the display weirdness that people complain about. Some fonts look super crisp and nice on it's high resolution display, but others are blurry and ugly. If you change the resolution and then VNC into the machine, your mouse cursor is actually in a different position on the device and you can't really click on anything.

I've had trouble booting Linux on them too, but maybe I've just been doing something wrong. This has stopped me from imaging the software installs.

I would never want a Surface for myself.

Comment Re:Jealous? (Score 1) 138

They are whiny bitches. I get their emails and one thing that really bothered me is that these people are behind the banning of Buckyballs. Buckyballs are super strong, small sphere-shaped magnets that are really fun to play with. But because babies eat them and die, Consumer Watchdog wants them off the shelves. It pisses me off that because it's dangerous to babies, nobody else is responsible enough to own them.

Reminds me of the quote:
âoeCensorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it.â

â Mark Twain

Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 367

Right, this is the woman that thinks that NOBODY should EVER use ANY animal byproducts, except when it comes to her life-saving medicine made from animal byproducts because she fights for animals and therefor is the only exception of the rule she wants to impose on everyone else. She is the fucking dictionary definition of "hypocrite".

Comment I watched and was disappointed. (Score 1) 326

I love Stallman, but I was very disappointed in this talk. I had the crazy idea that I'd watch it with my girlfriend to show her some Free software ideals, but I don't think Stallman did a good job here. He clears his throat in a strange way very often and he cut down his speech so much that a lot of the meaning is lost. I found myself mentally tuning out very quickly. I think I could do a better job of explaining his positions quickly to non-techies in an accessible way.

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