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Comment Re:better idea (Score 1) 166

My reasoning is this: in the military, you don't even trust soldiers with live ammo unless they are on a mission, because they are going to make mistakes. AI is not nearly to the quality level where it can make decisions better than even a stoned soldier.......

Comment Re:better idea (Score 1) 166

I don't care about 'fully'. In the short term, I care about the technology that's already at our fingertips: a robot with a machine-gun that is able to assess a situation and then 'decide' (without human intervention) to shoot the people it deems to be the enemy.

OK, that's not really much more interesting than land mines, is it?

Comment Re:Hell No Hillary (Score 3, Insightful) 676

The truth is, the Republicans are scared to death of Clinton.

I don't think they are anymore. Hillary is looking a lot like Romney did last election.......not too great, but the party couldn't find anyone to beat him (although a Gengrich campaign would have been much more interesting, it would have been awful if he'd won).

Hillary looks beatable.

Comment Re: Hmmmmm (Score 1) 676

I doubt [Rand Paul] will be nominated.

I was thinking that too, but his recent points on abortion were politically shrewd. I used to consider him a joke candidate, but if he's shown he knows how to manage the press, and if he keeps it up he has a reasonably good chance.

Myself, disliking all candidates (merely because anyone who wants to be president is slightly insane), I'd like to see Jed Bush run against Hillary Clinton, just for the pure absurdity of the situation. We'd have a Bush who didn't vote to invade Iraq running against a democrat who did.

Comment Re:But not to Nestle. (Score 1) 332 your point that we should use 'contribution to GDP' as the method for allocating water? Otherwise I'm not sure what you're saying.

Also, you are using a different method for making the calculation, including indirect effects. If you're going to calculate it like that, then contribution of farmers to GDP is much higher too, so fix your numbers.

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