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Comment Re:Pronunciation (Score 1) 196

There is no acceptable alternate pronunciation for SQL and SCSI,

Usage is what matters (thus I'm calling you ignorant), and beyond that, Wikipedia has two pronunciations for SQL.

SCSI was regionally pronounced as "sexy" which frankly is a fine pronunciation and anyone who disagrees is a G8r.

Comment Re:End the Fed! (Score 1) 165

The Fed should learn to keep interest rates low. If you look at a graph of interest rates [], you'll see that interest rate hikes preceded 8 of the last 9 recessions. Only four out of 12 rate hikes didn't cause recessions.

That's the worst attempt to interpret data I've seen all month. Nice try bro.

Comment Re:goddamnit!!! (Score 1) 123

So I fail to care about which term is used, it is a security breach and one of the worst kind

It is not a security breach at all, and I'm not sure you could even recognize a buffer overflow if you saw one (bro, do you even asm?).

Once security is breached through another method, this can be used for two already compromised computers to communicate. As a threat, it's less dangerous than a cat5 cable.

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