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Comment Re:C++ - but look at C# as well (Score 1) 407

The reason Entity Framework sucks is that its API is poorly documented

That is true too.

You can get perfectly good performance out of EF, it has all the features an ORM needs to achieve it.

I don't believe it. I've worked pretty hard at it (one example, inserting a large number of rows into two tables, one that has a foreign key into the other table, can take 1000 times longer than simple SQL queries).

Comment Re:C++ - but look at C# as well (Score 2) 407

I'll admit I haven't seen much of Objective C (apart from on OSX) - while C++ is pretty much available on anything and anywhere. However I'd also recommend having a look at C#. If you are not allergic to Microsoft products it's got a lot to recommend it:

But stay away from Entity Framework and Nuget. EF is slow, and Nuget....well, even Microsoft evangelists criticize it.

Cross-platform tools like Xamarin (which as an interesting ecosystem for cross-platform mobile apps)

If you do want to do cross-platform development, you should stay away from advanced C# features like code-contracts. In fact, if you really want to do that, then you should have at least one person developing on Linux, so you stay aware of all the little incompatibilities.

Comment Re:Jerri (Score 1) 533

Your argument: "hey genius: 'two wrongs don't make a right"
Oh so clever you are.

My argument: "You're still partisan, unable to see the stupidity of your own party, and you can write pages and pages attempting to justify your partisanship."

Here's something entertaining for you to consider: if Clinton wins the dem primary, and Bush wins the rep primary (please God no), then we'll have a democrat who voted to invade Iraq running against a republican who didn't.

Politicians move on but partisan stupidity has remained for centuries. Partisan politics are an attempt to divide people.

Comment Re:Jerri (Score -1, Offtopic) 533

oh i see, it's more of this "al gore flew on a gas guzzling jet airplane once, therefore he is a hypocrite, therefore climate change is not a problem" ignorant bullshit

No, it's the fact that your a partisan moron. Someday you'll wake up. Maybe. But today you are definitely a partisan moron. Probably tomorrow too.

And I anxiously await your defense telling me how much better your chosen party is, because it will be a very entertaining read........since you are not stupid, you can write interesting things (unfortunately blindly partisan, but maybe you'll wake up).

Comment Re:Jerri (Score -1, Troll) 533

much like the economic crisis of 2008, also miraculously blamed on obama, conservatives have this stunning routine where they fuck up, and liberals are at fault for it somehow with creative loopy psychological projection btw, the economy was fixed under obama, much like he is also trying to fix the mess created by neocon chickenhawks in the middle east, like an adult

It fascinates me that you can see the error so clearly of Republicans blaming Democrats for their own problems......but somehow fail to see when Democrats do the same to Republicans.

Comment Re:I don't think Obama is really paying attention (Score 0) 533

Or he is smarter and more strategic than you are. By refusing to acknowledge ISIS as 'real' Islam he takes away ISIS primary claim to legitimacy and hands that legitimacy to the moderate Muslims (ie Jordan) that will join in the fight against ISIS.

Doesn't it seem arrogant for Obama to claim the power to designate groups as 'legitimate Muslims?' How does being deemed 'legitimate' help a particular group? Would it help them more, say, giving them missiles?

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