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Comment Re:Wrong Title (Score 2) 499

Sound pretty radical?

I admire your attempt to look at all sides before making judgements, and I fully admit I don't know what's going on in this situation, because news reports are usually wrong. However, let's see if there's any information that can be gathered about those organizations:

" Women's Committee Against Genocide"

The hint here is "committee." Who names their organization "committee"? Sure enough, this is what the internet comes up with, it is a communist organization (nothing wrong with that), that praise Vietnamese women who tried to shoot down American bombers (that's the beginning of trouble). Basically they supported violence to defeat the imperialist United States.

"New Movement in Solidarity with Puerto Rican Independence."

Seems to have been distantly associated with FALNP, which actually did violently attack targets in the US.

Note: this is my own lazy research, don't use it for anything that matters, it's probably wrong somewhere

Comment Re:Economic Impacts (Score 2) 82

Premise 5: If unchecked, stagnant wages relative to inflation are going to exacerbate the current US status-quo in terms of younger working adults competing with Boomers who refuse to retire and becoming lower-wage workers who become "disposable labor."

I like your format, but there is a lot of assumption in this premise. I'd like to see it written out with more support, because historically where more labor is available, more jobs are created (although sometimes it takes time). Sometimes the jobs are silly things, like hiring someone to clip your toenails, but they're there.

Comment Re:Lacking data (Score 1) 491

I lived in a place where the bus came by every five minutes. It was cheap and convenient and I rode the bus a lot, but everyone still preferred a car if they could afford one. Why? Because cars are more convenient and can get you there in a lot less time (because they don't need to keep stopping). Also, you can carry things like groceries when you need to.

Getting everyone to ride buses would help the environment, but the only way to get everyone to ride the bus is to make it too expensive to drive.

Comment Re:Science creates understanding of a real world. (Score 1) 770

Opinion isn't science. If you think it is, you don't know what science is. Consensus is also not science, and neither is saying, "it must be true because lots of smart people think it is." If you think about it for a while, I'm sure you are smart enough to find the flaw with that.

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