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Comment Re:Haters gonna hate (Score 1) 161

Bitcoin is still the premier form of currency in the world. Anyone who says otherwise is just afraid that it might destroy their own nation's currency and/or economy.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAhaha ha heh. Oh, were you being serious?

When major developed countries start holding Bitcoin in their currency reserves, and commodities / futures / financial instruments are being traded on the open market in Bitcoin instead of USD, then you can lay claim to being the "premier form of currency in the world."

Bitcoin isn't even in the top 5. Are you cracked?

Comment Re:Exactly this. (Score 1) 294

Yeah, just like house flipping seemed like a great way to make money 6 years ago. Then the bottom fell out and everyone lost their shit.

Grass is always greener, and all that. Get good at what you do, and leverage it. If you're only mediocre at what you do, either get better or find something else that you are good at.

Nobody pays well for mediocre.

Comment Re:Exactly this. (Score 1) 294

I work on a team that is 50% remote, 50% local. I'm in the remote bit.

We have a 3-per-week video standup, and we use Slack to stay in touch. Our development infrastructure is in an Amazon VPC with VPN access, so everyone can connect and check in code and documentation, as well as test on the dev and stage servers.

Part of the team is in Silicon Valley / San Francisco, and then the rest are in Colorado, Indiana, Ohio, and a contractor in Europe.

We've never missed a date, and our team outperforms every other team in the IT shop in the company to the point where we are taking over their systems in 2015.

Remote can work, if you have motivated employees and good management. And, it allows us to recruit from outside of the echo chamber that is Silicon Valley to get quality people that aren't compulsive job-hoppers. There is talent to be had in the midwest, and throwing California salaries at them is a good way to get them and keep them.

Comment Re:MicroSD card? (Score 1) 325

There is no auto update.

The user had to actually tap a button to perform the upgrade, and maybe if they were so concerned to retain legal counsel due to the effects of that action, they should have read a little documentation first. Or, just cabled up to a computer and let iTunes do the upgrade with the hard disk acting as temp storage.

People will try to sue over the stupidest shit these days.

Comment Re:Entitlement (Score 1) 325

Except you are still missing what everyone else bitching about this is missing - you can PLUG YOUR FUCKING PHONE INTO YOUR COMPUTER, AND IT'S STORAGE IS USED FOR THE TEMPORARY SPACE INSTEAD. You know, just like every iOS upgrade there ever was before they introduced over-the-air upgrades that require temp space on device.

Comment Re:Entitlement (Score 4, Interesting) 325

On an 8 GB iPhone I had to delete every piece of media and almost every app just to be able to download the ios updates.

Or you could have plugged into iTunes and upgraded, which would have downloaded and stored the IPSW firmware image on the computer and simply overwritten the existing OS image, not requiring the extra temp space.

Everyone bitched about not having over-the-air upgrading, right until they started bitching about how much storage it takes to do over-the-air upgrading.

Comment Re:Not sure I get it. (Score 1) 290

The LGM-118A Peacekeeper could carry up to 10 W87 warheads, but usually had some dummy RVs and countermeasure pods instead. The proposed START-II treaty had a 3-warhead limitation for all MIRV missiles except for SLBMs, but was never ratified.

There were only ever 50 of those deployed, and they are now decommissioned.

Comment Re:Not sure I get it. (Score 1) 290

The LGM-118A Peacekeeper could carry 10 W87 warheads, with each detonating at up to 300kt. Most that were deployed did not have a full 10, as they wanted to have some countermeasure "dummy" RVs loaded too.

The START-II treaty limited ground-based ICBMs to 3 warheads, so the LGM-118 was retired even though the treaty was never ratified, because the platform never performed as it was supposed to and SLBMs are a better deterrent anyway.

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