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Comment Re:So what exactly is the market here. (Score 1) 730

I watched the stream yesterday (well, as much as anyone could with how bad they fucked the dog on that) and was thinking the same thing - yet another "companion" device that has extremely limited functionality. I then got on my motorcycle and went to run an errand or two, and realized that having maps available on my wrist for a quick look here and there would be incredibly awesome, especially if the turn-by-turn is paired with the bluetooth helmet intercom I already have, and already use for that with my phone.

There's one use case I suppose, even though it's quite limited in scope.

Also, they said nothing about battery life, which can't be good.

Comment Re:Trust us with your payments (Score 1) 730

How is someone going to get you to put your thumb on the TouchID sensor while snooping the NFC radio from 10 feet away?

I'm pretty sure that if a payment screen randomly pops up while you're walking down the sidewalk, you'd have to be a complete fucking retard to put your thumb on the sensor instead of hitting cancel.

You can't just request cash from an iPhone and have it do it's thing - it uses confirmation through TouchID.

Comment Re:Indeed... (Score 1) 130

I'm sure that the mining companies dynamite the entrances to the mine just as soon as they decide it's no longer profitable, and only mine Uranium and nothing else.

No, actually they just leave a hole in the ground that they can come back to any time they want to, or continue mining all the other ore in the same dirt, and just keep the Uranium around for when it's needed.

Comment Re:Jaszko (Score 1) 191

They're thinking that this Congress can't even get with the decades old plan that was already in motion, and can't do anything besides name post offices and bicker about how the other party is the problem.

The clock is winding down on this Congress, they're hoping the next one might actually get their shit together. It's stupendously unlikely, but they're gonna hope anyway.

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