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Comment Re:Could be a great update! (Score 1) 115

I'm still running 8.3.2 because all 9.x versions have had a nasty kernel panic bug in the 3Ware 9660 drivers that apparently I'm the only one experiencing. So I'll stick with it until I need to rebuild and import the ZFS pool. The hardware is a bit old anyway (and was super cheap when obtained off eBay), so it's probably almost time.

Yes, the same bug exists in FreeBSD - I tried that too.

Comment Re:The back slapping on this mission... (Score 1) 197

Yeah, who cares that it is completely new hardware. We already did this under vaguely similar circumstances on Apollo 7, so clearly Orion doesn't require testing in high orbit to make sure that it was safe to stuff 4 people inside, and return without them being baked to a crisp from a radiation shield not being adequate, or the heat shield failing and causing the whole thing to turn into a rapidly expanding fireball.

Because it worked on a spacecraft that we're not operating anymore, therefore we never need to do it again!

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
