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Comment Re:Not Apple's first Yosemite-named Mac product (Score 1) 165

Yeah, but nobody is going to confuse a modern software branding with that ass-ugly hardware tower.

Though, it was the first NewWorld ROM Mac, so that's worth something. And that case got infinitely better when they went with grey / graphite for the G4. It's still one of the best cases to work inside that's ever been made, since the logic board was mounted to the hinged door.

Comment You did it wrong. (Score 1) 165

If you just want a UNIX shell, why are you running all that graphical crap at all? Real men want a text mode UNIX. Here, let me help you...

From the login window, in the user name field, type:


and hit enter.

Now, and the window server go away, and you're in a real UNIX shell. And get off my lawn.

Comment Re:Misquote in #1 (Score 1) 701

Everyone seems to forget that the Rocketdyne F1 motor's fuel pumps alone had 55,000 horsepower, used for nothing but to pump kerosene into the main combustion engine, and use the exhaust from that gas generator to protect the nozzle extension from the much hotter temperatures being created by the rest of the motor.

This is the single most powerful thing ever created that didn't use a nuclear isotope to make the power. Yeah, it was pretty complex.

Comment Re:NASA has become small indeed... (Score 1) 108

Rendezvous with an asteroid is about the same as rendezvous with another small orbital body, like a space station. You match your orbital plane, and then you plot a point of intersection between your orbit and the target. You match velocity and orbit with a maneuver when you get close. You then get nice and close, and do what you're gonna do (take pictures, grab on, etc.).

As with all things, the devil is in the details. But we've gotten really good at rendezvous - we've been doing it in orbit since the 1960s in Gemini, we've done it in lunar orbit. There's no reason to say that rendezvous with a giant lump of rock would be any different - it's just crunching the math on how much delta-V is necessary, and then building hardware to get it done.

Comment Re:NASA has become small indeed... (Score 3, Interesting) 108

When Kennedy gave that speech, we had all of 15 minutes of manned spaceflight experience from putting a single manned capsule on what was essentially a V-2 rocket imported from Germany. Alan Shepard could have held his breath through most of that flight.

So yeah, the later Mercury flights, the Gemini flights, and the Apollo program were essentially from scratch.

Comment Re:So depressing. (Score 1) 108

I get what you're saying, but in the time when the Constitution was written, a standing army wasn't necessary because you had a good month of lead time before someone else's army could get here to do something untoward.

The technology of flight changes that. There should be a smaller standing army specifically for defense of the nation restricted to North America, and then a reserve contingent that can only be activated by Congress (emergency resolution, war declaration, etc.).

All the hundreds of bases on foreign soil should be liquidated, and the foreign countries that get those back should start footing the bill for their own defense. Then we'll see how much they want to cry about American expansionist policies and so on.

Comment Re:So then no public funded internet? (Score 1) 148

No, this just means that local municipalities cannot attach an excise tax to internet service, like they do for telephone service.

Governments are free to spend tax dollars on building networks and providing access, within applicable legal frameworks.

Example - City X cannot attach a 5% excise tax onto your cable modem service in order to pay for sewer repairs.

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