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Comment Re:Yes insane, but quibble on nuclear (Score 1) 132

Except that the whole mention of irrelevant "coal and gas reprocessing plants" was directly to distract from the very real problems with nuclear fuel reprocessing, while absolutely nothing was said to refute the very real problems that I raised.

How, exactly, is that not whataboutism?

Comment Re:History (Score 1) 168

And there were absolutely no other resources needed by Britain anywhere they set up colonies from the start of the Industrial Revolution until the end of large-scale colonialism in the early 20th century?

My specific example of oil may have been off, but the actual point still stands unless you can show evidence that colonialism was just about subjugation of native peoples for fun, rather than resource ownership.

Comment Re:FUD (Score 1) 168

So you really think there aren't people at DARPA, the NSA, the CIA, etc. that aren't looking to see if they can use AI for threat analysis and mitigation on a battlefield? Or in cyber warfare? Or for controlling fleets of drones that are also tied to vast surveillance networks firehosing impossible-for-humans-to-sift-through amounts of data for finding and eliminating targets?

Use your imagination just a little bit. I guarantee there are people in various "national security" organizations that are.

Comment Re:I post wrong answers to coding questions on Red (Score 1) 168

And your "retarded" answers are not the only thing in the data set on which they are training. In fact, it might even be using your "retarded" answers as examples of bad code to avoid in comparison to much better answers to similar questions found elsewhere in the training dataset, and you actually are helping.

Something to consider.

Comment Re:History (Score 1) 168

I’m just wondering how we’ll convince AI to sacrifice itself in war. Usually we humans are trying to kill each other on a battlefield arguing over what happens after you die. I’d imagine AI doesn’t really see the point.

The other option is that AI won't see it as a sacrifice, as it can continue to exist even if the physical equipment it currently is operating ceases to exist.

The only reason kamikaze pilots was considered abhorrent was because there was a human sacrifice involved in turning an aircraft into a guided missile. AI won't have any such problem, because it can back itself up somewhere besides the guided missile, and can be trained that it's specific purpose in being is to put that missile exactly where it needs to be, when it needs to be.

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