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Comment Re:Doing it wrong. (Score 1) 376

You don't want to cut off their web browsing, you want to cut their power. Get the electric companies to cut the power till they pay up. Can't download or watch them infringing files with no power.

Cut the power!!!!

Actually the analogous action would be to drop their line voltage to 30V and perhaps change the frequency to 20Hz.

Comment Re: Amost sounds like a good deal ... (Score 1) 376

You cannot prove a negative.

Sure you can. I was once falsely (and maliciously) accused of something, and was able to prove that I was 100 km away in a different city for the extended weekend, with hundreds of witnesses. 7 witnesses was more than sufficient.

So, you proved that you were somewhere else, which is a positive.

Comment Re:Now what could go wrong? (Score 1) 376

Oh for fucks sake, you KNEW what he meant by the post.

Of course he knew what the OP meant, but I have to side with mrchaotica and I'll tell you why. A large part of the population thinks that copyrights are something that only big companies own. When people say "it's illegal to download copyrighted content" they perpetuate that myth. Nearly everything I download in a given day is copyrighted, it's just that the author has given permission for it to be downloaded. All the posts on /. are a great example.

So the issue is about whether it's unauthorized sharing, not whether it's copyrighted. I make that distinction simply because I don't want to help lay the groundwork for a fundamental change in copyright law at some point.

Comment Re:Just red tape? (Score 1) 142

The AP1000 is a worldwide design, and Westinghouse is going to use parts of the supply chain from China for plants around the world (like just about everything else more complicated than a bread box). My point was that they've managed to supply all of the parts for the Chinese facilities very close to on time so the delays are not with Westinghouse, they're with the US based construction contractors.

Comment Re:Just red tape? (Score 1) 142

Part of the problem is that the infrastructure and supply paths for constructing nuclear plants has to be re-constituted as no plants have been built for quite some time.

Not really, the first two AP1000 are basically finished in China, only about 9 months behind the original schedule whereas these US plants are looking to be about 4 years behind the original schedule. I have to assume it's the typical contractor issue where there's plenty of money to be made being part of the problem.

Comment Re:I thought you overpaid for Cisco stuff (Score 1) 248

After which the [vendor] will tell you that they're **you** failed because **you** didn't allocate more memory for IPv4 routes. [vendor] will tell management how they had foreseen this problem in 2006 and how they warned customers in advance.

I wish [vendor representative] luck in pursuing other interests outside of [vendor]. You pay enterprise suppliers the insanely big bucks to be diplomatic enough to not tell the truth about just who screwed things up. Given the choice between calling the customer an idiot and having the customer continue buying expensive toys with a lot of zeroes in their prices it is usually preferable to just say something about how you will look into how the warning wasn't delivered to the right people, and then shut up and never speak of it again.

"we bought cheap noname switched back then because the head of IT cut the budget by 20%."

Deflecting blame to the department head may make you feel better but it's a dangerous move. When life hands you a bucket full of... let's just say "waste products" you can hand it to someone else, empty it out the window and trust that nobody is on the sidewalk or carry it to the dumpster yourself. Throwing it directly upwards shows a distinct misunderstanding of how gravity works.

Comment Re:I thought you overpaid for Cisco stuff (Score 2) 248

This is exactly the kind of problem that makes you glad you overpaid for name brand hardware.

Which of these two answers to the question "Why did our network fall over and sink into the swamp yesterday?" would you like to give?

"Um, it's because I recommended saving a bit of money on buying off-brand routers that couldn't handle everything. I'll go clean out my desk."


"It's not my fault! We bought [insert name brand here] because they were supposed to be better. Round up the rest of the management team and we'll have a conference call with [vendor] this afternoon and get them to explain how they failed us."

Comment Re:RoundRects for everyone! (Score 1) 220

(RoundRect was what the Rounded-corner Rectangle was called in old Apple developer docs, either when drawing a button, or using that shape directly in QuickDraw).

At the time, it wasn't easy drawing rounded corners.

Steve [Jobs] suddenly got more intense. "Rectangles with rounded corners are everywhere! Just look around this room!". And sure enough, there were lots of them, like the whiteboard and some of the desks and tables. Then he pointed out the window. "And look outside, there's even more, practically everywhere you look!". He even persuaded Bill [Atkinson] to take a quick walk around the block with him, pointing out every rectangle with rounded corners that he could find.

When Steve and Bill passed a no-parking sign with rounded corners, it did the trick. "OK, I give up", Bill pleaded. "I'll see if it's as hard as I thought." He went back home to work on it.

Fast-forward to the next century where rectangles with rounded corners are still everywhere, but only Steve's company is allowed to use them.

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