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Comment Re:Slackware (Score 3, Interesting) 303

And Debian is for when those gurus get tired of manually maintaining hundreds of boxes.

This is literally the *only* reason we use Debian or derivatives for work. We're just too small to have that kind of time, which is depressing. Especially with this SystemD crap... One of these days soon, when my Copious Free Time makes another appearance, I need to re-evaluate FreeBSD. Hopefully, the upgrade process has improved since "make buildworld." :) Otherwise, I dunno what we're going to do...

Comment Re:Who? (Score 1) 993

Which wouldn't be so bad if the documentation around systemd was so horrendously awful - and also hugely changeable dependent on version.

Some parts, perhaps.

Other parts, like the idiocy that is the "working as intended" logging abomination, would be irredeemably bad, no matter how good the documentation. Plus, that adds a nice, seething element of ominous fear: if LP and co. are so out of touch that they don't understand *why* their way is "The Wrong Way," the gods only know what else they've buggered up beyond repair that hasn't been found yet.

Comment Re:Who? (Score 3, Informative) 993

I mean, pulseaudio did have some pushback, but systemd has had orders of magnitude more pushback than pulseaudio.

If by "some pushback" you mean "was utterly unusable for at least 4 years", then that part is at least true. Of course systemd has more pushback: it's the same sort of badly written, badly designed garbage that's injecting itself into the bootup process rather than being just a user-facing mess that was trivial to remove.

People need to get a life.

Some of us have lives that include being paid to take care of Linux servers, which this crap makes significantly more difficult.

Comment Re:Sounds like he hasn't gotten the message (Score 2) 993

If, after said re-evaluation, you've come to that conclusion, then that's fine. You can be content with the fact that your position is sound and the people who disagree have no rational grounds for it, and are just assholes.

When you skip that re-evaluation step, stick your fingers in your ears, yell "la la la" really hard, and then cry because people are "being mean to you" while refusing to acknowledge that it's because they don't want your ill-considered, over-engineered crap making their lives difficult for the next decade, then that makes you an asshole.

Comment Re:Systemd (Score 4, Insightful) 993

Are you aware that you're helping to reinforce one of the points two comments up? And somehow, writing software that a group of people deem as bad means that you should be met with horrible physical tortures?

Nowhere did GP say anything about whether or not LP deserved the abuse. He offered counterexamples to GGP's assertion that LP writes "great software," which has had plenty of objective explanations as to its flaws. He said nothing about the person himself.

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