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Comment Re:It's a load of crap (Score 4, Insightful) 748

"Derailing" is apparently the new term for pointing out inconsistency and hypocrisy. Not really surprising, ideologies love redefining words.

We get it. Women are precious, delicate snowflakes who have to be protected from harsh language and a world that is out to make a meal out of them, and society has to do it, because they're too fragile to do it for themselves.

Wait, what do you mean that's not the message feminism is trying to send? Could have fooled me.

Comment Re:Not programming languages (Score 1) 306

Nah, he's right. When your skills get "sufficiently advanced" and your needs spread into the more esoteric corners of the house of horrors, you run into even more half-done, half-assed, all-broken aspects of the language.

To this day, I'm not quite sure what the point was in implementing an SSL API that has no way to check for certificate revocation (the whole point of certificate-based security)...

Comment Re:stupid argument (Score 1) 306

HTML/CSS define content & presentation. They do not "program behaviour".

Back when I had to explain this to some students I was tutoring, I basically said that HTML and CSS aren't programming languages, they're input.

They seemed to understand it after that (they were, apparently, a lot sharper than what passes for slashdotters, these days)

Comment Re: And so it begins... (Score 1) 252

Debatable, the takeaway I had from the show was that the Psi-Corps was largely responsible for [Clark's rise to power].

Check out "Matters of Honor" (S03E01) and "Voices of Authority" (S03E05). At the end of the former, it's revealed that Morden (faceman for the Shadows) is conspiring with PsiCorps and members of the Senate. In the latter, the communication Ivanova intercepts reveals that the Shadows, via Morden again, set up the assassination.

Comment Re:Stop the idiocracy (Score 3, Insightful) 514

It's urban black culture that disparages intellect.

It's hardly limited to that.

* The 20% of the country's land area called "the bible belt", especially the more rural chunks of it fit neatly into that box.

* Enough of the boob-tube watching population that it's a trope second only to "oafish husband-father/long-suffering wife-mother."

* All of Washington DC.

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