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Comment Re:(Re:The Children!) Why? I'm not a pedophile! (Score 1) 284

I don't think that heavily armored vehicle without a functioning gun on the front qualifies as a tank. I also can find nothing about privately owned air-ready F-16s, but even then, it would have no weapon systems. And I was talking about these systems as weapons, not expensive toys.

Comment Re:Politics (Score 2) 384

Blame: I'll take it. The vast majority of the bill is intended to reduce fraud in medicare (and has done so). The parts that you think of as Obamacare are working out very well too.

But, I do admit that the intellectual conception of Obamacare came from the right wing think tanks. And that makes sense, it's ultimately very libertarian / free market oriented. They just couldn't get it implemented.

Comment Re:This is supposed to be the *WAY* they do their (Score 1) 392

1. there is no fast and furious gun running blame on anything but lax gun laws. Were there laws that allowed one to jail suspected gun runners, they would have been enforced, but law enforcement don't waste their time when they know they can't get a conviction. The real fast and furious debacle is on the gun lobby that keeps those laws lax.

2. The notion that the President of the United States (and I mean any President) would appoint an ambassador to another nation and then intentionally bring harm upon them is insane. You would, at a minimum, need some sort of motive here to get me interested enough to research this.

3. I didn't see any indication that Obama or even the WH had anything to do with this, instructed this to happen, or that it wasn't a rogue employee / office. Plus, in the end here, you're talking about tax exempt status being on the line. How could that possibly raise to the level of Watergate?

As for watergate, you are correct, it was far from the worst thing Nixon did--but it is still 100 times worse than the worst Obama has done.

Don't get me wrong, Nixon did some great things (creating of the EPA among them). But he and Johnson really abused the power of the presidency and both continued a war purely for political gain at an enormous cost in lives. I mean, you're worried about a delayed tax exempt status while Johnson / Nixon had the NSA spying on MLK.

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