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Comment Re:How else are you going to do it? (Score 1) 251

So you have the user define the password, and just send them a one-time activation link. If the user needs to reset the password, send them an email with a one-time reset link. That's a lot better than sending out a password over plain text. Sure, sensitive information is in the emails, but it expires quickly. The password will be the password for a relatively long time.

Comment Re:The exact opposite of what Niantic should do (Score 1) 135

Or they don't want people walking around fucking memorials to millions of dead people while playing a game. Is the concept of respect so foreign to you that you leap immediately to some faux-outrage conclusion as the only possible explanation? It's not political correctness but basic human decency, something you seem to not find at all worthy. You suck as a human being.

Comment Re:Denial (Score 0) 135

No one is denying the holocaust happened, they just don't want gamers traipsing around the place with their faces glued to their screens, disturbing the people who went there to remember the millions of dead and abused who passed through gates at the camps in question, and at other such camps. You might want to work on your reading comprehension.

Comment Re:I still don't get this (Score 1) 135

Are you that socially retarded that you can't see that leading people to a hallowed place in order to play a completely unrelated game is tasteless beyond belief? It's not about being outraged, but common human decency. You're the one being lazily outraged, it seems. If you spend some time actually thinking about this, it's pretty obvious. You wouldn't want a portal on your parents' grave, would you?

Comment Re:Ingress. (Score 1) 135

Well, I guess it sucks if you don't have many historic sites where you are, but in the environs of these camps there are a lot of other historic sites which are also not memorials to the death and suffering of millions of people in recent history. "Historic site" can, and does, mean a lot more than death camps. There is a lot of space between "boring Phoenix" and "Place where a million people were killed" - one doesn't have to leap from one to the other. Also bear in mind that while you might be actually interested in the places you are brought to, many people will just be staring mindlessly at their phones. That is rather distracting to people who go to these camps to honour the dead, and shows a complete lack of respect.

Comment Re:It's that time... (Score 2) 342

Why? Just make it so that as far as the machines are concerned Gorillas are a subset of humans. And then keep the actual gorillas away from them.

You've got a reasonable point for more advanced machines, but for now I'd just as soon that they also avoid squashing dogs and cats...or, pretty much anything protoplasmic over, say, 5 pounds. Or 4. Slaugher house machines don't need to be intelligent, and shouldn't be. Not until things are FAR more developed.

And, really, wouldn't you just as soon that your car avoided running over that skunk? So if you adopt a variant of the precautionary principle, you can get most of the advantages without waiting for perfection.

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