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Comment Maybe a Netflix Motivator (if not competitor). (Score 1) 162

I'd gladly pay someone to stream the titles that Netflix still has on disc only. It's 2011 and when I decide I want to watch something I should be able to watch it NOW. When Netflix offered a lower rate to go streaming only I dumped the disc faster than you can say "Why would anyone wait for the postal service?".

I hope that this lights a fire under Netflix's collective butts to get more of their library available for streaming.

And until it does, I'd be glad to send money to someone that will stream these titles to me.

Comment Now the Colonization of Space may begin! (Score 3, Interesting) 118

Beer (& Whiskey) open the way for civilization!

There was a recent discovery channel program called "How Beer Saved the World" and in Life on the Mississippi Mark Twain wrote

"How solemn and beautiful is the thought that the earliest pioneer of civilization, the van-leader of civilization, is never the steamboat, never the railroad, never the newspaper, never the Sabbath-school, never the missionary -- but always whiskey! Such is the case. Look history over; you will see. The missionary comes after the whiskey -- I mean he arrives after the whiskey has arrived; next comes the poor immigrant, with ax and hoe and rifle; next, the trader; next, the miscellaneous rush; next, the gambler, the desperado, the highwayman, and all their kindred in sin of both sexes; and next, the smart chap who has bought up an old grant that covers all the land; this brings the lawyer tribe; the vigilance committee brings the undertaker. All these interests bring the newspaper; the newspaper starts up politics and a railroad; all hands turn to and build a church and a jail -- and behold! civilization is established forever in the land. But whiskey, you see, was the van-leader in this beneficent work. It always is. It was like a foreigner -- and excusable in a foreigner -- to be ignorant of this great truth, and wander off into astronomy to borrow a symbol. But if he had been conversant with the facts, he would have said: Westward the Jug of Empire takes its way. "

Comment Re:Farewell (Score 1) 172

It wasn't long after those Fortran, Pascal, and COBOL classes that we were administering said DEC VAX computers. I think I can still find a record of one of my DECUS program submissions ("MCLS" #V00200) out there somewhere. That was back when we called "open source" by the name "public domain".

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"By the time they had diminished from 50 to 8, the other dwarves began to suspect "Hungry." -- a Larson cartoon
