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Comment Re:C is primordial (Score 0) 641

Times have changed.

People have changed, too.

When C was invented, their werent language snobs. Now there are, and they so desperately want C to be low level (so that they get "low level" cred) that they will invent insane arguments such as "times have changed" and "C occupies a space pretty low down the language landscape"

Its really simple. The definition of "low level language" does not subscribe to a "place" on a "list", or what "time" it happens to be. The fact that you so desperately want to change the definition in a way that makes you a "low level programmer" proves that you are a fucking language snob. You dont magically become a low level programmer while banging C code out just because python was invented, you fucking moron.

Comment It does not send that message (Score 1) 416

It also sends a really clear message: "This behavior will not be tolerated."

The video has nothing to do with his behavior. Having it online benefitted others far more than himself.

The message it does send is that they are so afraid of controversy they are willing to hurt anyone rather than endure it.

Comment Why does it keep working? (Score 1) 772

If I were President and I felt that X was necessary then I would document why I thought X was necessary and that I was solely responsible for X.

Afterwards, I'd release that to the media.

There wouldn't be any of these rolling revelations. Everyone would know that I thought it was necessary to torture persons A, B and C (and no one else) and that they were tortured and (redacted) information was collected and that the people who did so did so under my DIRECT ORDERS. No one else tortured anyone other than A, B and C.

Instead, we have denials, euphamisms, "extraordinary rendition", "black sites" and unsubstantiated claims.

Comment I prefer this memo. (Score 4, Insightful) 772

I prefer this memo:

Part of being the "good guys" means NOT being the "bad guys".

More people die in traffic accidents EVERY YEAR than the "terrorists" have ever killed here. So why give up a morally superior position to "fight" people who pose almost no threat to anyone outside their own countries?

Comment Re:C is primordial (Score 1) 641

C is almost ML because almost all features of the langage can be directly translated into a few assembly instructions.

Behold the backward belief system of some of the "C is low level" crowd.

A language is low level if almost all of the features of the hardware can be directly translated into the language. See, you've got it backwards. You want it to be the other way around, but when its the way you want then its trivial to get to the argument that BASIC is low level too.

Another segment of the "C is low level" crowd focuses on pointers. You are all wrong. Was paying attention when the language was invented. Always understood to be a high level language until the snobs came.

Comment You can't tell much with your head in the sand (Score 0) 180

From what I can tell, they seem to accept none of that

That's pretty much bullshit since Uber pays for extra insurance for drivers, and screens them which means obviously Uber has some liability they are guarding against.

Where I live, to be a cab you need a commercial drivers license

Which is just a note that you have given the state extra money, of no actual value to anyone. Uber drivers have that though, just not UberX.

proper insurance

Which Uber provides.

regular vehicle inspections

UberX also makes sure you have a vehicle in good shape before you can drive

a tax license

Well THAT should stop the raping!

and are legally required to have a camera installed in your car.

Uber drivers are all tracked by GPS continuously and if they are smart have a camera in the car or voice recording app also. It's not magic.

Basically you've done no research and don't know what the hell you are talking about, but don't let that stop you from complaining.

Comment You were shouted down because moron (Score -1, Troll) 180

I mentioned that once before, and was roundly shouted down... By people who noted that Uber in fact DOES do background checks.

They may have had a failing in this case, but it's the exception rather than a rule and a problem with the division in India, not generally.

If you don't like being shouted down perhaps do some research before speaking?

Comment It did too exist, the Timex Sinclair 2068 (Score 2, Informative) 110

In the USA and Canada, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum did not exist.

In the U.S. I had a Timex-Sinclair 2068, which was basically the Spectrum but with some improvements.

It was a lot nicer to use and program for than the Timex-Sinclair 1000 (ZX-81), really a pretty solid machine and nice to program for.

It absolutely was a classic in every sense that the C64 was, just for a smaller group of people.

Comment Re:You do set your own hours (Score 1) 545

I agree that is some companies - I worked on things like that also.

But there are many, many smaller companies that need programmers where life is nothing like that. The great thing is that a competent programmer really can choose the kind of life that fits them best - some people actually fit in and like the environment you describe, but you can escape if not.

I posted what I did because I want younger developers to ponder the freedom they have and take advantage of it while it exists, and to really take themselves in a direction they want to go.

That's the really hard part though - getting an idea of where you want to go, and sometimes sitting at company for a while until you work that out makes sense.

Comment Re:Apple had the best reason of all for a new lang (Score 1) 161

If Apple had moved to a whitespace-active language I seriously would have switched to Android development.

Not even joking. I have used a lot of languages professionally and for fun, but I could not get past that aspect of Python and I can't see why such an insane design flaw would be any more tolerable in Nimrod.

It has so many dangers in terms of correctness and overlooked bugs...

There was one other language that bugged me in... Fortran... but at least there is only affected what was a comment, it didn't oversee control flow.

Comment You do set your own hours (Score 1) 545

pretty much presumes that you are an executive-level employee who sets his/her own hours

All coders do in reality, and there are enough job options you can control the flexibility you desire.

You just need to take advantage of the power you have.

Note that although many executives have power to "set hours" they also generally work a LOT of overtime too. I really see them as being similar to coders, more than most people realize.

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